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Bird of the Week - Printable Version

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Bird of the Week - mbulriss - 11-05-2010 12:13

This week's Bird of the Week is another picturesque shot send in by a new owner.
Did you know that you can view prior Bird of the Week pictures in the Photos
section of the group website. There are about 140 of them in the Bird of the
Week Archive photo albumn.

What's kind of neat about this feature is that this week's owner can now get to
see a prior picture of his Bird as Bird of the Week when Frank and Mary Beissel
owned it and send in a picture for the week of 01/05/07.

If you would like to see your Bird as Bird of the Week, please send in a picture
and a description following the link on the forum front page, or directly to my

I am wondeering where are the pictures from the Balloon Rally? Surely someone
got a shot of the Birds with the balloons in the background?


Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX

Bird of the Week - Ernie Ekberg - 11-05-2010 12:41

I'm glad to see that Franks coach is on the road, again. I plan to look them up when I get to Q. Frank and I go back quite a few years. I hope the new owners love the coach as much as Frank and Mary.

Ernie Ekberg
Weatherford, Tx 817-475-3991

--- On Fri, 11/5/10, mbulriss <mbulriss@...> wrote:

From: mbulriss <mbulriss@...>
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Bird of the Week
To: WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, November 5, 2010, 6:13 PM

This week's Bird of the Week is another picturesque shot send in by a new owner. Did you know that you can view prior Bird of the Week pictures in the Photos section of the group website. There are about 140 of them in the Bird of the Week Archive photo albumn.

What's kind of neat about this feature is that this week's owner can now get to see a prior picture of his Bird as Bird of the Week when Frank and Mary Beissel owned it and send in a picture for the week of 01/05/07.

If you would like to see your Bird as Bird of the Week, please send in a picture and a description following the link on the forum front page, or directly to my email.

I am wondeering where are the pictures from the Balloon Rally? Surely someone got a shot of the Birds with the balloons in the background?


Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX

Bird of the Week - Don Bradner - 11-06-2010 03:46

On 11/5/2010 at 11:13 PM mbulriss wrote:

>I am wondeering where are the pictures from the Balloon Rally? Surely
>someone got a shot of the Birds with the balloons in the background?

I dug through my pictures and found one that I've sent you.

Because we were parked in rows facing the field, and much higher than the field,
there weren't a lot of good "Birds with balloons in the background" photo
opportunities. However, on the first day the winds were such that a number of
balloons took off from another field far behind us and circled around, so this
shot with one of the Bird rows semi-frontal with balloons was possible.

Bird of the Week - Michael - 11-07-2010 03:45

I've copied some of my Balloon Fest pictures up here for all to view.
Michael & Tami Putz
Mesa, AZ
"I always wanted to be somebody when I grew up"
....Guess I should have been more specific! :-)

Bird of the Week - Fred Hulse - 11-07-2010 06:40

Micheal Putz
Thank you for the reminder of the great time we had at Albuquerque!!..........................
Excellent pictures!!
Fred & Jeanne Hulse
97 WLWB41

Bird of the Week - Michael - 11-08-2010 02:43

Yes Fred,

Very nice trip, enjoyed it very much and look forward to more advetures soon!

Michael & Tami Putz
78FC35 - 63FC35
Mesa, AZ

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Fred Hulse" wrote:
> Micheal Putz
> Thank you for the reminder of the great time we had at
> Excellent pictures!!
> Fred & Jeanne Hulse
> Morristown,Arizona
> 97 WLWB41

Bird of the Week - Fred - 11-27-2010 00:43

Great picture,Bob
The Owens Valley is one of my favorite parts of California,
As it stretches on the east side of the Sierras.Just looking up at the back side
of Mt Whitney is a treat in itself.Majestic!!
I was told that the best stream fishing in California is right near where your
coach is parked.
Fred Hulse

Bird of the Week - jackcj7 - 11-27-2010 04:19

Yes, Fred, The Lone Pine area is rich in history.. On the other side of the
Valley is CERRO GORDO, or Fat Hill. A well preserved area of buildings from the
old mining era. But, use the Toad, not a road for a Bird. :-)
Just south of Lone Pine are the Alabama Hills, where many, many Western Movies
were made, and also a stand-in for India as "King of the Khyber Rifles" was shot
here too. Also near is Manzanar, the WW2 internment camp.
Jack Smith

Bird of the Week - Michael Bulriss - 11-27-2010 04:27

Thanks for checking the front page Fred!

Bob has submitted the last two week's pictures for Bird of the Week and they have been really good ones.

At this point, I am low on pictures for the Bird of the Week, so other members please feel free to submit your favorite Bird picture (along with some description on year, model and location). Thanks!

Since it is warming up rapidly this morning here in South Texas, I'm going over to the bus barn in a bit to pull the front cabinet to remove and clean the front electric heater. Another chore off the list! Then maybe clean that wonderful sporlan valve that is sticking again. And then something else on the never ending list.......

I hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday. We got to the opening night of 'Dickens on Main Street' last night
until it got down to 32 degrees. Tonight we plan to hit the lighted Christmas parade in Comfort. Next weekend, maybe the Lone Star Birds Christmas Rally if all goes well this coming week.

Enjoying the season,

Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX

--- On Sat, 11/27/10, Fred wrote:
From: Fred
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Bird of the week
To: WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 6:43 AM

Great picture,Bob

The Owens Valley is one of my favorite parts of California,

As it stretches on the east side of the Sierras.Just looking up at the back side of Mt Whitney is a treat in itself.Majestic!!

I was told that the best stream fishing in California is right near where your coach is parked.

Fred Hulse


Bird of the Week - mbulriss - 06-25-2011 12:14

Another pretty green Bird of the Week this week (and it isn't mine!). This has
got to be a relatively rare SP 36 with this color combination.

If you want to see your Bird as Bird of the Week, please send in your photo with
name, year and model, along with some description of where the pic was taken.


Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX