Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge (/showthread.php?tid=10256)

Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - davidbrady - 08-26-2014 10:34


For some interesting reading go to our Google Site Search and type in "Jeff Miller". Virtually every post by Jeff is a jewel. Here's one on Custom Coach (out of Columbus Oh) and Wanderlodge.

If you run across any other gems, be sure to bump the thread so others can enjoy them!

RE: Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - ernie ekberg - 08-26-2014 20:08

was this from my old forum?

RE: Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - patticake - 08-26-2014 20:19

I think so, after looking at the dates and names, it was the old forum. I remember us meeting at the "Rally in the Valley", and hanging the banner across the front of your old '83 coach.

RE: Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - davidbrady - 08-26-2014 20:40

That's right Steve: WanderlodgeGurus -> Yahoo Groups Archive -> WanderlodgeForum

RE: Custom Coach designed Wanderlodge - davidbrady - 08-27-2014 01:13


These Yahoo:Groups:WanderlodgeForum archives have been here on WaGu for over a year now. I thought everyone knew! Maybe I should make a formal announcement. There's a ton of great stuff in the archives from all the players over the years. Do a WaGu Google Site Search on anyone's name that comes to mind and your sure to find a treasure trove of information! Have fun!