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Transmission How It Works Video - Printable Version

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Transmission How It Works Video - GregOConnor - 09-09-2015 13:49

Here is a good one hour video Set up by Allison on their Automatic transmission. A good flick , written with no assumption on viewers tech knowledge

RE: Transmission How It Works Video - mikebulriss - 09-09-2015 15:15

Got a link that I'm not seeing?

RE: Transmission How It Works Video - davidbrady - 09-09-2015 16:43

Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xFwoTCInY8

RE: Transmission How It Works Video - al perna - 09-09-2015 20:09

I had to stop for a Potty brake ,hahaha

RE: Transmission How It Works Video - PhrankinPhoenix - 09-25-2015 18:38

Thank you, David.
That video was "Time well spent." I'm VERY glad I watched this as I now feel I have a much better understanding of what an Allison Transmission looks like on the inside AND more importantly, how exactly its' gearing and computer work.

After this video was over I watched a couple other Allison videos and found them very informative also.

There is MUCH to learn ... like eating an elephant, I'll slowly bite-off a little at a time till I realize that it's ALL GOOD!
Thank YOU for suggesting (suggest away if you know/find any others).