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5th 2005 PNW Bird Retreat Announcement - Printable Version

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5th 2005 PNW Bird Retreat Announcement - Dave Beatty - 08-25-2005 15:58

See below invite to all BlueBirds from Bob and Arlene Lawrence.

The PNW Birds are flocking again....

Plans are for an un-official 5th PNW Bird Retreat for 2005.

Dates: Friday, Nov 25 thru Sunday, Nov 27
Location: Port Townsend - Port Hudson RV Marina - 1(800)228-2803
Potluck: None - Plans are to go out to dutchtreat meal on Sat Night
Sites available as of tonight: 309,321,318,317,316,315,311
Sites already reserved : 310 and 308 (Bob and a SOB Friend)

JIm Ernsdorff and Jon Lechich sound like they are ready to signup.

Judy and I will not be able to attend this one due Turkey Day Weekend
Family events. Although there is a chance we could show on Saturday
for the Meal only. We have friends in Port Townsend that we
may "Driveway Camp" with with our new Backup Mini-Bus (86 VW
Westfalia) ....

Anyway ... Should be a fun time... I will be posting this same
message on the Bird Sites to see any others have an interest. Note:
This is a self serve event. Everyone must call and make their own
reservations and do it quickly before the sites are filled.

Dave Beatty
83 FC35SB (BirdCage)
86 VW Westfalia (backup Motorhome)
Federal Way, Washington

Bob Lawrence wrote:
Bob and I talked about going to Fort Worden the day after
Thanksgiving- Fort Worden is booked, but Port Hudson RV park in Port
Townsend is available for us Friday the 25 of November and leaving
Sunday the 27th. This is by no means an official Bluebird Rally - but
if you are interested in spending the week end in Port Townsend-
please come join us for some great shopping and eating out. They have
some empty spots, but you need to call ASAP. Call the Port Hudson RV
Marina at 1-800-228-2803 and ask for one of the following sites. 309-
321-318-317-316-315 or 311. You can also go on line and see the site
map under Port Hudson Marine and RV park. Our friends Dallas and
Penny (remember those SOB's from Ft Worden have 308 and Bob and I are
in 310. Hope to see you there - we had such a great time this past
week end - thanks to great friends.

Arlene and Bob

Dave Beatty
83 FC35SB (BirdCage)
86 VW Westfalia (backup Motorhome)
Federal Way, Washington