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Basement campartment door gas springs - Printable Version

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Basement campartment door gas springs - Jay Darst - 11-06-2005 12:14

Does anyone have a part number for the basement compartment doors,
both the large front door(PT40) and the smaller rear compartment(PT40)?

I had replaced the struts on the front compoartment door on the curb
side. The numbers on the gas springs don't jive with anything at Orr &

If you have part numbers for these 2 different doors, would appreciate
that information.


Jay Darst
Springfield, IL

Basement campartment door gas springs - Jay Darst - 11-06-2005 12:34

some reason, my post didn't show up, here tis again

Does anyone have a part number for the basement compartment doors,
both the large front door(PT40) and the smaller rear compartment(PT40)?

I had replaced the struts on the front compoartment door on the curb
side. The numbers on the gas springs don't jive with anything at Orr &

If you have part numbers for these 2 different doors, would appreciate
that information.


Jay Darst
Springfield, IL