Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Frappr Wanderlodge Map - Printable Version

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Frappr Wanderlodge Map - mbulriss - 01-13-2006 12:33

If you have not visited http://www.frappr.com/wanderlodge yet and
added your location entry, you really need to visit and join. It's
starting to become obvious where some other regional Bird rallys
should take place.

As a regional rally reminder, the Lone Star Birds will have their 22nd
"official" rally in February. Contact Steve and Pat Gureasko
(sgureasko@...) for details and to register.

Additonal regional rally information can be added under Files in a
file label Rally Information.

Mike Bulriss
1983 PT40 "Stagecoach" - Old Reliable, Still For Sale (Don't tire
kickers understand OBO means 'Or Best Offer' anymore?)
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan" - Not so reliable,.... yet (may be for sale)
San Antonio, TX