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MSDS - Printable Version

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MSDS - Hugh Turner - 04-20-2006 15:24

We all share lots of information on this forum in some of my searches
for others stuff I came across this site. http://tinyurl.com/n73yx
It is a site that provides sources for MSDS on the web. For safety
this may be a good one to bookmark. Has anyone not required by law to
have MSDS information available ever thought how the fire department,
EMS posion control your wife might like to know what was that you
just drank as you cracked that line open and it broke. Hope you never
have one but if the shop that has all the chemicals and the bird in it
catch fire that information could be important. That is unless you
have an EMS system such as mine that when you do need them, unless
they have been to your place before they will get lost.It has happend
to me and I have a 911 dispatcher that lives behind me, she did not
believe me that EMS would get lost until she heard them drive up and
down another road. It would have been fast to load me in the truck and
take me.
Hugh Turner
Thomaston GA
still looking