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Runaway diesels - Printable Version

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Runaway diesels - davidkerryedwards - 04-27-2006 01:40

Runaway diesels get discussed a fair amount on Mercedes boards because
the older MB diesels can easily runaway when a replacement shut off
valve is installed incorrectly. (and it's very easy to install it
incorrectly). One thing that was determined in a recent runaway event
was that simply pinching shut the fuel line with a vice grip or some
such device will stop the flow of fuel and shut it down by causing a
vacuum in the line as the pump tries to pull the fuel. Cutting the
line or knocking off the filter will allow the remaining fuel in the
lines/pump to keep flowing for a while as air is allowed into the
system. On an FC, I'm thinking keeping a pair of vice grips handy
under the driver's seat which could be applied to the fuel line after
raising the aft portion of the doghouse might not be a bad idea.
However, as Randy said, it takes a set of titanium balls to continue
hanging around once the engine starts running away. A very well
respected mechanic on the MB board I frequent lost an engine a couple
of years ago when it ran away. At that time, nobody seemed to think
that pinching or cutting a fuel line would be adequate and people were
advocating loosening the injector lines. That takes WAAAY too long.

Runaway diesels - Stephen Birtles - 04-27-2006 02:33

Our Coach is going to have a some serious runaways this summer
First its going to runaway to Northern Ontario
Then runaway to various parks in Southern Ontario
Finally to it's going to runaway to Georgia in late October
If I knock off the fuel lines for any reason so coach will not operate
I will have to runaway because wife will be chasing me for being
unable to use to coach and will need the perscribed Titanium Balls if
she catches me.
I will not start another remodeling project this year(yah right)and
finish all projects previously started on coach
I will not stop at various Fire depts. near Maxton to have propane
tank checked and hope to sample Randy's biofuel chicken pot while
watching Woody reclaim the remains for his fords (strain out the bones
first it plugs the filters) all while watching from the light produced
by Ruby's powertech
I will drive slower than mud to conserve fuel and hopefully not break
I promise not to destruct a hot water tank at Perry then I will not
ahve to borrow Crit's Shotgun
I will bring the goofy hat so I fit in with everyone else But I draw
the line at Bath Robes in public unless it has a wide load sign from
John nailed to the back and front as per regulations
Hopefully before these runaways new tires will be installed before
money has a runaway only four tires though 2 for the front and 2
really big ones for the rear ( only half the nuts needed)
I will always fuel up in truck lanes and stay away from the rv lanes
I will bring Canadian Beer to Georgia so people from Florida can
experience the wonders of B7.0. which can cause a violent chemical
reaction resulting in feeling bad the next morning
We will park at the back of the crowd at perry as assigned by parking

And could somebody please post the dates for RATS

Have a great weekend
Stephen 77fc35 out of storage and the fun begins