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George - Printable Version

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George - Gregory OConnor - 05-10-2006 17:16

George and Blair make my point that the RVMART is where BB should not
be. Both went in to update their Coach and left with 'Some Other
Brand' SOB. , Georges post on why he bought a SOB is not positive info
but negitive info that is important in decision making. He posted
info to make a point about his honest purchase decision that would help
BB Mgmt Know why he did not stay with the brand. 'Give me a Brake
Bob' and 'No one Gets a Brake Mike' expressed my reaction to a crack
about the crack tile floor and statement that a plastic sided tube
frame traveltrailer with a diesel engine has superior handling.

My comment about class distinction was prompted by the crack crack and
I am sorry that I may have got George pissed. You see George, My BB
pride was hurt and I typed and hit send. You Have helped me in the past
with your many posts and I value your input every time.

Gregory O'Connor
94PT40 Romoland California