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God is good.... amen.... - Printable Version

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God is good.... amen.... - GRSmith, 111 - 12-25-2006 07:05

We did not do anything to misrepresent this coach in any way..... trust me.....
It's an incredible coach...... believe it or not....... and I have a 1988 ....
that is almost as clean as this one with only 114K miles..... super service &
maintenance all it's life.... garage kept for 13 years....... PT 40 .....
awesome.... trying to decide...... getting in to the charter coach business.....
LORD WILLING.... pray for me...... YOu guys are great.... Crusademan

mbulriss <mbulriss@...> wrote: What a incredible Christmas
present for that seller. That certainly
is top of the market. Hope the money shows up.

At that price it sure makes my prior 83PT40 (Stagecoach) seem
incredibly cheap at the current owner's asking price of $43,000.
hmmmmm...... hype pays off, I guess.

Since they just joined the forum last week to promote the sale, now we
get to see if the seller 'Ole Tom' and the marketer 'Crusademan' stick
around to participate on the forum, or unsubscribe now that the sale
is done.......... Hopefully, they will stick around and share some of
Ole Tom's repair and upkeep tips.

Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX (currently on South Padre Island)

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "dthollis1961"
> Merry Christmas!!!
> David Hollis 84 FC35 Springfield,IL

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God is good.... amen.... - Gregory OConnor - 12-25-2006 13:56

We agree on the goodness of god but It doesnt take 50G's for me to
express my praise. I'll pray for the folk at the giving end of the
wicker basket you pass. If the fat lady sings in this deal, the
eggnog had a lasting effect. Cognative disonance and buyer remource
is easy to ease with scripture and isle rolling......... Merry
Christmass Crusademan

69Travco, Pottersville

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "GRSmith, 111"
> We did not do anything to misrepresent this coach in any way.....
trust me..... It's an incredible coach...... believe it or not.......
and I have a 1988 .... that is almost as clean as this one with only
114K miles..... super service & maintenance all it's life.... garage
kept for 13 years....... PT 40 ..... awesome.... trying to
decide...... getting in to the charter coach business..... LORD
WILLING.... pray for me...... YOu guys are great.... Crusademan
> mbulriss <mbulriss@...> wrote: What a incredible Christmas
present for that seller. That certainly
> is top of the market. Hope the money shows up.
> At that price it sure makes my prior 83PT40 (Stagecoach) seem
> incredibly cheap at the current owner's asking price of $43,000.
> hmmmmm...... hype pays off, I guess.
> Since they just joined the forum last week to promote the sale, now
> get to see if the seller 'Ole Tom' and the marketer 'Crusademan'
> around to participate on the forum, or unsubscribe now that the sale
> is done.......... Hopefully, they will stick around and share some
> Ole Tom's repair and upkeep tips.
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX (currently on South Padre Island)
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "dthollis1961"
> wrote:
> >
> > Merry Christmas!!!
> >
> > David Hollis 84 FC35 Springfield,IL
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

God is good.... amen.... - davidkerryedwards - 12-25-2006 15:36

I have my doubts about the goodness of God, but I'll agree there is something
odd afoot
with the auction. Perhaps if a new owner shows up on the forum our doubts will

82 FC 35
Former Travco man.

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory OConnor"
> We agree on the goodness of god but It doesnt take 50G's for me to
> express my praise. I'll pray for the folk at the giving end of the
> wicker basket you pass. If the fat lady sings in this deal, the
> eggnog had a lasting effect. Cognative disonance and buyer remource
> is easy to ease with scripture and isle rolling......... Merry
> Christmass Crusademan
> GregoryO'Connor
> 69Travco, Pottersville

God is good.... amen.... - Howard O. Truitt - 12-27-2006 02:21

I sure don't have any doubts about God or his goodness.
I could see maybe having doubts about this deal. But I've seen homes and autos
that sold way below the market due to lack of proper care and maintenance and
I've seen others that commanded a stellar price due to the exquisite care of
there owners. Every time one sells for a stellar price it adds a premium to our
buses if they are well maintained.
Just my thoughts.
Howard Truitt
Camilla, Ga.
86 PT40

----- Original Message -----
From: davidkerryedwards
To: WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: God is good.... amen....

I have my doubts about the goodness of God, but I'll agree there is something
odd afoot
with the auction. Perhaps if a new owner shows up on the forum our doubts will

82 FC 35
Former Travco man.

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory OConnor"
> We agree on the goodness of god but It doesnt take 50G's for me to
> express my praise. I'll pray for the folk at the giving end of the
> wicker basket you pass. If the fat lady sings in this deal, the
> eggnog had a lasting effect. Cognative disonance and buyer remource
> is easy to ease with scripture and isle rolling......... Merry
> Christmass Crusademan
> GregoryO'Connor
> 69Travco, Pottersville


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