Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Wanderlodge get-together in Tokeland Washington on the weekend of June 2,2207 - Printable Version

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Wanderlodge get-together in Tokeland Washington on the weekend of June 2,2207 - Jon - 04-03-2007 04:39

If there is anyone interested in join up this weekend with a bunch of
other vintage wanderlodge owners we will be in Tokeland Washington.

This is a beautiful place located on the Washington State Coast and
as always we will have a great time!

This is a good way to check out other peoples coaches and meet some
real nice people. We will have dinner across the street from the RV
Park in an old hotel just full of interesting history.

So if you want to join up? Just call up the below site and we will be
seeing you in Tokeland Washington.

Dates for reservations are
Friday June 1,2007 & Saturday June 2, 2007 we will be leaving on
Sunday but if you decide you want to stay for a few more days than
your more than welcomed.


Rebel Bird