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Warren's 1999 Bluebird sold - Printable Version

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Warren's 1999 Bluebird sold - scoggins_jim - 08-04-2007 01:17

Talked with Dick Warren this am. His 99LXI has been sold. The buyers
got in the other night and were satisfied with what they saw. Dick is
riding with them from MI to GA to be sure they know how to work it all.

The person who bought it is a watcher on these forums and has been
shoping for several years.

Dick was really worried about his bird going to a good home and I know
he will be missing it. He did not want to sell it to someone who didn't
appreciate it. Dick was more concerned about the new owner than he was
about the price!

Funny, buyer coming in to check out the coach and Dick checking out the
buyer! Both parties seem well satisfied.

This immaculately maintained coach went for a bargan price.
