Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Looks like we're back! - Printable Version

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Looks like we're back! - mbulriss - 08-19-2007 13:58


Looks like we are back on the air! We have been down since yesterday,
thanks to Yahoo. Actually, they have been having trouble for several
days. I noticed some missing posts from as far back as last Tuesday,
August 14, since one of the missing ones was mine! Below is a front
page post that was posted during the outage.

The bad news is it looks like we lost several really good posts. Th
egood news is we lost many "test" posts! If I can resurrect some of
the missing good ones, I'll re-post them on behalf of the original
poster. If I miss any, please feel free to re-post if you have a copy
or remember what you wrote!

Welcome back everyone!

Mike Bulriss - moderator
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX


As of August 19, 2007 the WanderlodgeForum is one of many Yahoo!Groups
experiencing Yahoo server errors. Some forums work. Hundreds of others
are not getting any posts through. While this has happened randomly on
the forum since Tuesday August 14, it is now system wide across many
(but not all) forums since Saturday afternoon. There are MANY posts
pending. I would ask all members to CEASE POSTING "TEST" MESSAGES as
these are all going to clog the message board, and your email, when
service resumes.

There is no explanation at this time other than "Yahoo Groups is aware
of the outage and is researching the problem."

The forum owner and moderators have not deleted any posts. If you
tried to post since Saturday and you do not see your post when service
resumes, please know we had nothing to do with it, and kindly re-post
your message if you have a copy.

On behalf of the WanderlodgeForum moderators, thanks for your patience
and continued support!

Looks like we're back! - Pete Masterson - 08-21-2007 04:10

Indeed, WLForum is back... but now another group I participate in is
apparently dead. Isn't this modern technology grand?

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42
El Sobrante CA

On Aug 19, 2007, at 7:58 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Hmmmm,
> Looks like we are back on the air! We have been down since yesterday,
> thanks to Yahoo. Actually, they have been having trouble for several
> days. I noticed some missing posts from as far back as last Tuesday,
> August 14, since one of the missing ones was mine! Below is a front
> page post that was posted during the outage.