Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Unveiling the 09 BB - Printable Version

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Unveiling the 09 BB - p_a_lazar - 12-08-2007 04:47

I don't see many folks saying they will be at the Tampa Super Show for
the new 450 unveiling.

If you aren't aware, or missed the posts about the Tampa show, we are
having a mini-rally there to support BB at it's unveiling. We will be
dry camping and Macy has other goodies for us planned.

The whole idea behind this started at the RATS and sorta grew. We
thought it would be fun to have all ages of BB's there for people to
understand just how good BBs are that we still drive and use 20-30
year old coaches as well as newer ones and how well they still look
and operate.

Please let John or Randy know if you will be attending. There is a
sign up database on the Wanderlodge forum (this is the Wanderlodge
Forum, forum).

So far I think we have 8-10 birds signed up and the Tampa show runs
Jan 16-20.
