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A grease 'Bird - Printable Version

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A grease 'Bird - Scott Forman - 01-16-2008 14:37

See this ad on eBay featuring a BMC with a full on-board waste
vegetable oil system. I wondered how long it would take for someone to
do this.


Scott Forman
86 PT38

A grease 'Bird - Al - 01-16-2008 16:13

Yes he put this setup in his bird back in '06. Several flaws with this:

1) You can't pickup oil in an oil renderers bin like he shows in one of
his pictures. If the renderer would have pulled up while this
operation was transpiring, someone would have gone to jail and the
vehicle would have probably been impounded as evidence. Once the oil
goes into the bin, the resturant does not own it anymore, it belongs to
the oil renderer.
2) He reported that he had several hits on his bird on the BMC forum
during his maiden voyage. My guess was his attempt to get close to
these bins to take the oil from the oil render bin. Anyway, looks like
coachworks or some other outfit repaired and repainted his mishaps.
3) Advertising that he is not paying road tax on a vehicle getting 3 to
7 miles to gallon is asking for the DOT guys to come knocking with a
huge tax bill for not paying the road tax.
4) I would never ever rent out my bird for any price.
5) He says the rental does not include the diesel but makes no
reference to the waste oil usage. I guess he can't charge for that
since it is free until you get caught sucking from an oil renderer's
bin. Then who pays the legal bill and towing charge when the vehicle
gets impounded?
6) He also does not tell you want he does with the water and food that
gets sucked up in his tank. My guess is it hits the ground or gets
dumped into someone sewage system.

Bottom line, you can not outfit a vehicle like this and travel across
th country sucking oil from an oil renderer's bin. That is what is
wrong with this world now. The oil renderer have spent a lot of money
to put a bin out so someone can come in and take the oil from it. This
is what hurts the biodiesel movement and the businesses that are tryign
to make an honest living. Now if you make trips on an on going basis
and spent the money to put your own containers out, then you are
welcome to do this.

Ok off my soapbox now.

Al Johnson
'96 BMC B75

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Scott Forman" <sforman@...>
> See this ad on eBay featuring a BMC with a full on-board waste
> vegetable oil system. I wondered how long it would take for someone
> do this.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Alternative-Energy-WVO-RV-Motorhome-
> diesel-bus-
> dZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> Scott Forman
> 86 PT38
> Memphis

A grease 'Bird - Gregory OConnor - 01-16-2008 17:07

The BioFuel movement is more an inventors exchange of ideas then a
green movement. The green alternative to a 5 mpg motorhome is a
tent. Too much drama and stress to try and beat road tax and
squeeze $1.10 out of a dollar. Like any hobby it looks like many
folks have fun with it. I found a website about a BMC greaser,
maybe it is the same bus?



--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Al" wrote:
> Yes he put this setup in his bird back in '06. Several flaws with
> 1) You can't pickup oil in an oil renderers bin like he shows in
one of
> his pictures. If the renderer would have pulled up while this
> operation was transpiring, someone would have gone to jail and the
> vehicle would have probably been impounded as evidence. Once the
> goes into the bin, the resturant does not own it anymore, it
belongs to
> the oil renderer.
> 2) He reported that he had several hits on his bird on the BMC
> during his maiden voyage. My guess was his attempt to get close
> these bins to take the oil from the oil render bin. Anyway, looks
> coachworks or some other outfit repaired and repainted his mishaps.
> 3) Advertising that he is not paying road tax on a vehicle getting
3 to
> 7 miles to gallon is asking for the DOT guys to come knocking with
> huge tax bill for not paying the road tax.
> 4) I would never ever rent out my bird for any price.
> 5) He says the rental does not include the diesel but makes no
> reference to the waste oil usage. I guess he can't charge for
> since it is free until you get caught sucking from an oil
> bin. Then who pays the legal bill and towing charge when the
> gets impounded?
> 6) He also does not tell you want he does with the water and food
> gets sucked up in his tank. My guess is it hits the ground or
> dumped into someone sewage system.
> Bottom line, you can not outfit a vehicle like this and travel
> th country sucking oil from an oil renderer's bin. That is what
> wrong with this world now. The oil renderer have spent a lot of
> to put a bin out so someone can come in and take the oil from it.
> is what hurts the biodiesel movement and the businesses that are
> to make an honest living. Now if you make trips on an on going
> and spent the money to put your own containers out, then you are
> welcome to do this.
> Ok off my soapbox now.
> Al Johnson
> '96 BMC B75
> Louisiana
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Scott Forman" <sforman@>
> wrote:
> >
> > See this ad on eBay featuring a BMC with a full on-board waste
> > vegetable oil system. I wondered how long it would take for
> to
> > do this.
> >
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Alternative-Energy-WVO-RV-
> > diesel-bus-
> >
> > dZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> >
> > Scott Forman
> > 86 PT38
> > Memphis
> >