Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
The reason I own a wanderlodge - Printable Version

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The reason I own a wanderlodge - Ron Hazlett - 06-08-2008 23:42

My wife and I were camping at the Monroe KOA in Michigan friday
night.A large storm front came through. WE had already put up all the
awnings. We were sitting the bird when a large limb came crashing ontop
of the bird knocking the galley light out of the ceiling. After the
storm passed I went outside to investigate. I had to remove a forty
foot limb with six inch diameter base from the top of the bus (this
limb fell a good 50 ft.). The only damage was a broken exhaust vent
cover and the mounting tabs on the galley light. There were no dents or
damage to the roof! If this limb would have hit any of the other
trailers next to me, they would have a new sun roof.I feel safe in my
Wanderlodge. By the way, Does anyone know where I can get new origial
style exhaust vent cover.

Ron Hazlett
1987 FC