Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
Update from Louisiana - Printable Version

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Update from Louisiana - patticake592000 - 08-26-2008 14:44

Well can you believe it, 2 hurricanes in 2 weeks. Steve and I are ready
to roll depending on landfall will determine our direction of travel.
Thanks to our many Bluebird Family Friends for the many invitations for
housing us and our Jus Chillin. You guys really step up and we really
appreciate it.

Lets hope we don't have to leave. Fuel prices will begin to rise as
they are beginning to close down the platforms in the Gulf so fuel up
early tomorrow.

Thank goodness for the Bluebird.

Hugs Ms. Patticake

90Pt 40Ft WB SB Jus CHillin (mardi Gras Circus Wagon)