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some stupid general questions - Printable Version

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some stupid general questions - John - 10-16-2008 04:25

Sorry for the newb questions,
Just got my 83 bird home and it came with no manuals or any docs.
So I have a ton of questions.
Thank you in advance for any advice.
1. What is the A/T switch? Auto trans on/off?
2. What is the best way to dump the suspension and then bring it back up? (it had been sitting for awhile and would not air up at first)
3. How do you open the front to get to the radiator?
4. Somewhere I saw a write up on converting to a swing out radiator, can someone direct me to that link or info?
Sure I will have tons more,
Thanks Again
John & Pong
Penryn Ca
(just east of Sacramento)

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some stupid general questions - Ralph L. Fullenwider - 10-16-2008 04:38

Hi John:

Only stupid question is one not asked.

1. A/T switch = Anti theft

2. dump the suspension when you park. Inside the air bags (you have 2 per
wheel) are rubber bumpers that rest on each other when the suspension is
down. Many pull in, drop the leveling jacks then dump the suspension. The
suspension must be up before you can bring the jacks down.

3. Looking at the front of your Coach you will notice several things. a.
2 separate headlight compartments that swing out for access and they each
have a pattern of bolts that must removed to open. The area behind the
drivers headlight compartment is the "lower front" load center.
(You have 6 load centers in your Coach)

4. Not sure if the swing radiator is in the files section but that is the
place you go to find any such information.

Safe travels,

Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider

84FC35 "Ruff Diamond"

Duncan, Oklahoma

At 09:25 AM 10/16/2008 -0700, you wrote:

Sorry for the newb questions,

Just got my 83 bird home and it came with no
manuals or any docs.

So I have a ton of questions.

Thank you in advance for any

1. What is the A/T switch?
Auto trans on/off?

2. What is the best way to dump the
suspension and then bring it back up? (it had been sitting for
awhile and would not air up at first)

3. How do you open the front to get to
the radiator?

4. Somewhere I saw a write up on
converting to a swing out radiator, can someone direct me to that link or

Sure I will have tons more,

Thanks Again

John & Pong

Penryn Ca

(just east of Sacramento)

some stupid general questions - mbulriss - 10-16-2008 05:41


To slightly amplify on what Ralph said:

1. The A/T switch keeps the engine from starting. It is a separate
function from the burglar alarm switch (assuming you have one of those
switches since it is an 83).

4. "Swing Radiator Projects" *are* indeed in the the "Files" section.

Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX

--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, "Ralph L. Fullenwider"
> Hi John:
> Only stupid question is one not asked.
> 1. A/T switch = Anti theft
> 2. dump the suspension when you park. Inside the air bags (you have
2 per
> wheel) are rubber bumpers that rest on each other when the
suspension is
> down. Many pull in, drop the leveling jacks then dump the
suspension. The
> suspension must be up before you can bring the jacks down.
> 3. Looking at the front of your Coach you will notice several
things. a. 2
> separate headlight compartments that swing out for access and they each
> have a pattern of bolts that must removed to open. The area behind the
> drivers headlight compartment is the "lower front" load center. (You
have 6
> load centers in your Coach)
> 4. Not sure if the swing radiator is in the files section but that
is the
> place you go to find any such information.
> Safe travels,
> Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
> 84FC35 "Ruff Diamond"
> Duncan, Oklahoma
> At 09:25 AM 10/16/2008 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >Sorry for the newb questions,
> >
> >Just got my 83 bird home and it came with no manuals or any docs.
> >
> >So I have a ton of questions.
> >
> >Thank you in advance for any advice.
> >
> >1. What is the A/T switch? Auto trans on/off?
> >
> >2. What is the best way to dump the suspension and then bring it back
> >up? (it had been sitting for awhile and would not air up at first)
> >
> >3. How do you open the front to get to the radiator?
> >
> >4. Somewhere I saw a write up on converting to a swing out
radiator, can
> >someone direct me to that link or info?
> >
> >Sure I will have tons more,
> >
> >Thanks Again
> >
> >John & Pong
> >Penryn Ca
> >(just east of Sacramento)
> >