Wanderlodge Gurus - The Member Funded Wanderlodge Forum
A reminder....... - Printable Version

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A reminder....... - mbulriss - 06-05-2005 05:58

A number of off-topic posts have been deleted today. I highly suggest
that everyone re-read the forum front page rules listed below, before
active moderation needs to take place on repeat offenders.

"While this is not an actively moderated group in terms of approving
each post, the group will not allow lack of civility, profanity and
personal attacks. Likewise, messages that contain comments on politics
or religion, repetitive off topic posts, or messages which contain
private offline communications between members, or comments about
other forums are not acceptable. As a courtesy, all members are
encouraged to sign your posts and indicate the type of Bird owned (if
you already have one) so that the answers to your questions can be
addressed more accurately."

On behalf of the moderators - that don't really want to have to
moderate anyone, but have no problem doing so.

Mike Bulriss
83 PT40 "Stagecoach" - for sale
91 PT40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX