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good morning - Printable Version

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good morning - Ralph - 01-11-2010 05:46

Greetings from Blue River, Oklahoma.

It is a chill 35F right now but is to warm into the 50's this afternoon.

Ruff Diamond is nestled in at a favorite dry camp space and at present, is
alone. It was a glorious sight earlier this morning. Just as the rays of soft
light started to spread it's tendrils down through the now open spaces of the
trees, who had shed the foliage much earlier. Then birds started singing their
praise of the coming full morning light. A bare breath of breeze floating lazily
across the tree tops and watching the Hawks soar on up drafts in a constant
vigil searching for some moral of food.

Yes there is peace with the world here along the Lady Blue.
Safe travels, Ralph &
Charolette Fullenwider
'84 FC35 "Ruff Diamond"
Duncan, Oklahoma
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