Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Ron Thompson - 10-23-2010 08:42
I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.
It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
paint colors 112297
Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
Light 79861 Assume this is the
off white
Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could be the
other one.
You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
other information that the code represents.
I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
Thanks for any help.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@...) |
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Rob Robinson - 10-23-2010 10:37
Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson <""> wrote:
I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.Â
It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
paint colors        112297
Base                   79619   Assume this to be base primer
Light                    79861   Assume this is the
off white
Stripe                  79857   Assume this is the gold colored stripe
Dark                    79885   This could mean the Green or the Maroon
Other                   79727   There were two gold colors. this could be the
                      other one.
You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
other information that the code represents.
I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
Thanks for any help.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
("") |
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Ron Thompson - 10-24-2010 04:01
I painted my maroon color on a white sheet of paper and will try and find an Imron Paint dealer here in Houston and see if they can identify or match the color and the shiny particles in the paint. also want to get the proper clear coat.
Thanks for replying. Rob, you don't happen to know who was the manufacturer of your 1994 paint, do you? Was it Imron? I know that Dupont Imron is used throughout the auto painting industry.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Rob Robinson wrote:
From: Rob Robinson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:37 PM
Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson <cockyfox@...> wrote:
I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.
It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
paint colors 112297
Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
Light 79861 Assume this is the
off white
Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could be the
other one.
You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
other information that the code represents.
I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
Thanks for any help.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@...) |
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Rob Robinson - 10-24-2010 08:04
Ron I have no idea what manufacturer made my original paint and I have since thrown out the touch up stuff that Randy's buddy made for me. It went bad. Probably froze at one time. I can't remember the touch up brand name but if it's real important I'll get in touch with Randy and see what I can find out.
On 24 October 2010 09:01, Ron Thompson <""> wrote:
I painted my maroon color on a white sheet of paper and will try and find an Imron Paint dealer here in Houston and see if they can identify or match the color and the shiny particles in the paint. also want to get the proper clear coat.
Thanks for replying. Rob, you don't happen to know who was the manufacturer of your 1994 paint, do you? Was it Imron? I know that Dupont Imron is used throughout the auto painting industry.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Rob Robinson <""> wrote:
From: Rob Robinson <"">
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
To: ""
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:37 PM
Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson <cockyfox@...> wrote:
I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.Â
It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
paint colors        112297
Base                   79619   Assume this to be base primer
Light                    79861   Assume this is the
off white
Stripe                  79857   Assume this is the gold colored stripe
Dark                    79885   This could mean the Green or the Maroon
Other                   79727   There were two gold colors. this could be the
                      other one.
You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
other information that the code represents.
I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
Thanks for any help.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@...) |
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - contrail Bob - 10-24-2010 09:49
Any time I want to match paint, Coach, truck, boat, car etc I find a piece that
will come off such as Gas tank door, reefer vent cover etc and just take that to
a good paint house and they will shoot it with their color gun and then match it
with the exact color. Always works no problem. If you can't find a piece that
will come off just take the coach to them and they will shoot it in the street.
Works for me. Bob & Carol Howald
99 LX Bunker Hill, Il.
--- In, Ron Thompson wrote:
> Rob,
> I painted my maroon color on a white sheet of paper and will try and find an
Imron Paint dealer here in Houston and see if they can identify or match the
color and the shiny particles in the paint.Ã also want to get the proper clear
> Thanks for replying.Ã Rob, you don't happen to know who was the manufacturer
of your 1994 paint, do you?Ã Was it Imron?Ã I know that Dupont Imron is used
throughout the auto painting industry.
> Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> 1995 WLWB 42'
> (cockyfox@...)
> --- On Sat, 10/23/10, Rob Robinson wrote:
> From: Rob Robinson
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:37 PM
> Ã
> Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my
codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with
anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a
kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
> On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson wrote:
> Ã
> I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'.Ã Trouble
is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above
my dash approximately middle of the over head.Ã Had to lay down on my back to
get the codes.Ã
> It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to
cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
> Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
> paint colorsà à à à à à à à 112297
> Baseà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 79619à à à Assume this to be base
> Lightà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 79861à à à Assume this is the
> off white
> Stripeà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 79857à à à Assume this is the gold
colored stripe
> Darkà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 79885à à à This could mean the
Green or the Maroon
> Otherà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 79727à à à There were two gold
colors. this could be the
> Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã other one.
> You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed.Ã I am
trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as
identifying what color the number represents and what
> other information that the code represents.
> I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one
message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the
model year 1995.
> Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it
for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
> Thanks for any help.
> Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> 1995 WLWB 42'
> (cockyfox@...)
> --
> Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Ron Thompson - 10-24-2010 10:06
Thanks Bob, I had pretty well decided thats what I would have to do. I just want to make sure I get the high durability paint, one that will not crack and allow rust to get a start. In this case the area I want to touch up is on the rear fiberglass bumper.
Thanks for your reply.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
--- On Sun, 10/24/10, contrail Bob wrote:
From: contrail Bob
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 4:49 PM
Any time I want to match paint, Coach, truck, boat, car etc I find a piece that will come off such as Gas tank door, reefer vent cover etc and just take that to a good paint house and they will shoot it with their color gun and then match it with the exact color. Always works no problem. If you can't find a piece that will come off just take the coach to them and they will shoot it in the street. Works for me. Bob & Carol Howald
99 LX Bunker Hill, Il.
--- In, Ron Thompson wrote:
> Rob,
> I painted my maroon color on a white sheet of paper and will try and find an Imron Paint dealer here in Houston and see if they can identify or match the color and the shiny particles in the paint.Ãâ also want to get the proper clear coat.
> Thanks for replying.Ãâ Rob, you don't happen to know who was the manufacturer of your 1994 paint, do you?Ãâ Was it Imron?Ãâ I know that Dupont Imron is used throughout the auto painting industry.
> Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> 1995 WLWB 42'
> (cockyfox@...)
> --- On Sat, 10/23/10, Rob Robinson wrote:
> From: Rob Robinson
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:37 PM
> Ãâ
> Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
> On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson wrote:
> Ãâ
> I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'.Ãâ Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head.Ãâ Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.Ãâ
> It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
> Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
> paint colors̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 112297
> Basẻ̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 79619̉̉̉ Assume this to be base primer
> Light̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 79861̉̉̉ Assume this is the
> off white
> Stripẻ̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 79857̉̉̉ Assume this is the gold colored stripe
> Dark̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 79885̉̉̉ This could mean the Green or the Maroon
> Other̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ 79727̉̉̉ There were two gold colors. this could be the
> Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ Ãâ other one.
> You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed.Ãâ I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
> other information that the code represents.
> I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
> Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
> Thanks for any help.
> Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> 1995 WLWB 42'
> (cockyfox@...)
> --
> Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - lcondosta - 10-24-2010 11:18
Look like BASF paint codes willcheck tomorrow.Lee Condosta BASF jobber 85 pt
Holden Beach NC
--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups. , Rob Robinson wrote:
> Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my
> codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with
> anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought
> out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
> On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> > I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I
> > can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above
> > my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back
> > to get the codes.
> >
> > It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to
> > cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
> >
> > Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
> >
> > paint colors 112297
> > Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
> > Light 79861 Assume this is the off white
> > Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
> > Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
> > Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could be
> > the
> > other one.
> >
> > You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am
> > trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far
> > as identifying what color the number represents and what other information
> > that the code represents.
> >
> > I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found
> > one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company
> > for the model year 1995.
> >
> > Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it
> > for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> >
> >
> > Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> > 1995 WLWB 42'
> > (cockyfox@...)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Ron Thompson - 10-24-2010 12:09
Its not important. I know that Imron paint is a good paint and used by a lot of auto body shops. I found a dealer here in Houston and I am going down tomorrow and get them to match a paint swab that I have and also pick up a quart of clear coat. I only want to spray the rear bumper with color and then cover with clearcoat.
Thanks for your consideration.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
--- On Sun, 10/24/10, Rob Robinson wrote:
From: Rob Robinson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 3:04 PM
Ron I have no idea what manufacturer made my original paint and I have since thrown out the touch up stuff that Randy's buddy made for me. It went bad. Probably froze at one time. I can't remember the touch up brand name but if it's real important I'll get in touch with Randy and see what I can find out.
On 24 October 2010 09:01, Ron Thompson <cockyfox@...> wrote:
I painted my maroon color on a white sheet of paper and will try and find an Imron Paint dealer here in Houston and see if they can identify or match the color and the shiny particles in the paint. also want to get the proper clear coat.
Thanks for replying. Rob, you don't happen to know who was the manufacturer of your 1994 paint, do you? Was it Imron? I know that Dupont Imron is used throughout the auto painting industry.--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Rob Robinson <wander.rob@...> wrote:
From: Rob Robinson <wander.rob@...>
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:37 PM
Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson <cockyfox@...> wrote:
I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back to get the codes.
It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
paint colors 112297
Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
Light 79861 Assume this is the
off white
Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could be the
other one.
You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far as identifying what color the number represents and what
other information that the code represents.
I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company for the model year 1995.
Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
Thanks for any help.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@...) |
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - Ron Thompson - 10-24-2010 12:13
I had no idea what the codes identified. They looked suspiciously like a bluebird part number but you might be right about them being a BASF number.
I am going down tomorrow here in Houston and check out a Dupont paint dealer and see what they can come up with.
Thanks for replying and if you do find that they are basf numbers, please let me know. Dupont might recognize them right off.
Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
--- On Sun, 10/24/10, lcondosta wrote:
From: lcondosta
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage.
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 6:18 PM
Look like BASF paint codes willcheck tomorrow.Lee Condosta BASF jobber 85 pt Holden Beach NC
--- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups. , Rob Robinson wrote:
> Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my
> codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with
> anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought
> out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
> On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> > I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is I
> > can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted above
> > my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back
> > to get the codes.
> >
> > It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have to
> > cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
> >
> > Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
> >
> > paint colors 112297
> > Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
> > Light 79861 Assume this is the off white
> > Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
> > Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
> > Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could be
> > the
> > other one.
> >
> > You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I am
> > trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far
> > as identifying what color the number represents and what other information
> > that the code represents.
> >
> > I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found
> > one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company
> > for the model year 1995.
> >
> > Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made it
> > for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> >
> >
> > Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> > 1995 WLWB 42'
> > (cockyfox@...)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995 vintage. - mbulriss - 10-25-2010 10:32
I was unable to respond over the weekend, but followed your paint discussion
with interest. You got lots of good responses. One thing to add on the color
match is that my paint guy, a Dupont dealer, says they like to use the color
analyzer camera (he dislikes it when I call it a color gun) in several areas
near and adjacent to the area to be repainted - even if it means spanning
panels. He says that the results are averaged and that gives them the best
match of the color, and aging effect of the color, to get the best match
Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
San Antonio, TX
--- In, Ron Thompson wrote:
> I had no idea what the codes identified.Ã They looked suspiciously like a
bluebird part number but you might be right about them being a BASF number.
> I am going down tomorrow here in Houston and check out a Dupont paint dealer
and see what they can come up with.
> Thanks for replying and if you do find that they are basf numbers, please let
me know.Ã Dupont might recognize them right off.
> Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> 1995 WLWB 42'
> (cockyfox@...)
> --- On Sun, 10/24/10, lcondosta wrote:
> From: lcondosta
> Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Paint used for the Wanderlodges of 1995
> To:
> Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 6:18 PM
> Ã
> Look like BASF paint codes willcheck tomorrow.Lee Condosta BASF jobber
85 pt Holden Beach NC
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups. , Rob Robinson wrote:
> >
> > Ron several years ago I was in the same situation as you. Only one of my
> > codes for my 94 was correct (white) and no one could match the rest with
> > anything on the market. Randy Dupree called a friend of his and he brought
> > out a kind of camera that analysis paint and gives you a match.
> >
> >
> > On 23 October 2010 13:42, Ron Thompson wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > I want to get some touch up paint for my 1995 Wide Body, 42'. Trouble is
> > > can't seem to find how to relate to the paint codes which were posted
> > > my dash approximately middle of the over head. Had to lay down on my back
> > > to get the codes.
> > >
> > > It appears that the codes might be a Bluebird part # that you would have
> > > cross reference to whomever they got their paint from.
> > >
> > > Here are the codes that I found in the RV.
> > >
> > > paint colors 112297
> > > Base 79619 Assume this to be base primer
> > > Light 79861 Assume this is the off white
> > > Stripe 79857 Assume this is the gold colored stripe
> > > Dark 79885 This could mean the Green or the Maroon
> > > Other 79727 There were two gold colors. this could
> > > the
> > > other one.
> > >
> > > You can see that it would be a mistake to assume what I have assumed. I
> > > trying to find out what kind of paint it is and what the codes mean as far
> > > as identifying what color the number represents and what other information
> > > that the code represents.
> > >
> > > I know that many of the coaches were painted with Imron paint but I found
> > > one message on the forum that said it was a paint made by a German company
> > > for the model year 1995.
> > >
> > > Is there anyone in our forum that knows what paint was used and who made
> > > for the Wanderlodges of 1995 model year.
> > >
> > > Thanks for any help.
> > >
> > >
> > > Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
> > > 1995 WLWB 42'
> > > (cockyfox@)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rob, Sue and Joey Robinson
> >