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kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
12-27-2006, 08:14
Post: #1
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
Drano Max worked for awhile. Now it stops up after just a couple cups
of water. I dissassembled the easy screw off stuff and ran a 7$ Home
Depot plumbing snake/tape down it but couldn't get past the trap. I've
never done this kind of thing before and maybe I'm being a little over-
cautious. The vertical pipe to the trap is poly. Unfortunately, due
to cabinetry obstructions, I can't see to the trap so I don't know what
kind of trap I'm dealing with. I'm afraid that it might also be poly
and I don't want to risk breaking it should I use too much force.
Theres almost no access from above it and due to the fact that it's in
the slide there's no way to get to it from underneath that I can see
anyway. Anybody done this before?
Thanks guys and Happy Holidays!!

Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
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12-27-2006, 08:49
Post: #2
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
Just wondering; does it act up with the slide out, in, or both. I'm
thinking that the flexible portion of the drain line kinks in one of
the positions?

Rich D. '99LXi43 (non-slide)

--- In, "luckyron1"
> Drano Max worked for awhile. Now it stops up after just a couple
> of water. I dissassembled the easy screw off stuff and ran a 7$
> Depot plumbing snake/tape down it but couldn't get past the trap.
> never done this kind of thing before and maybe I'm being a little
> cautious. The vertical pipe to the trap is poly. Unfortunately,
> to cabinetry obstructions, I can't see to the trap so I don't know
> kind of trap I'm dealing with. I'm afraid that it might also be
> and I don't want to risk breaking it should I use too much force.
> Theres almost no access from above it and due to the fact that it's
> the slide there's no way to get to it from underneath that I can
> anyway. Anybody done this before?
> Thanks guys and Happy Holidays!!
> Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
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12-27-2006, 12:32
Post: #3
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
Have you tried to use a chem cleaner down the roof vents??? I think
you gave prudent caution by not pushing the snake past the trap. Is
there a disposal or other sink trap tied into the same vent??? If
so , chem cleaner may work here also. With a 1/3 sink of water try a
plunger .If a plunger makes any progress I would dress it up with
chem cleaner and repeat the plunger exersize often to maintain open.
I would also reframe from using the high pressure pump Kaboom gimic
unless BB says it wont hurt the flex section.
I'm not a plumber but often get mistaken for one while polishing my

--- In, "g_man1146"
> Ron,
> Just wondering; does it act up with the slide out, in, or both. I'm
> thinking that the flexible portion of the drain line kinks in one
> the positions?
> Rich D. '99LXi43 (non-slide)
> --- In, "luckyron1"
> wrote:
> >
> > Drano Max worked for awhile. Now it stops up after just a couple
> cups
> > of water. I dissassembled the easy screw off stuff and ran a 7$
> Home
> > Depot plumbing snake/tape down it but couldn't get past the
> I've
> > never done this kind of thing before and maybe I'm being a little
> over-
> > cautious. The vertical pipe to the trap is poly. Unfortunately,
> due
> > to cabinetry obstructions, I can't see to the trap so I don't
> what
> > kind of trap I'm dealing with. I'm afraid that it might also be
> poly
> > and I don't want to risk breaking it should I use too much
> > Theres almost no access from above it and due to the fact that
> in
> > the slide there's no way to get to it from underneath that I can
> see
> > anyway. Anybody done this before?
> > Thanks guys and Happy Holidays!!
> >
> > Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
> >
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12-28-2006, 03:18
Post: #4
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
I assure you, there is a way to get to the trap. Unfortunately, I am
not familiar enough with the LXi to know what it is. I would call BB
Technical Assistance and they can help you.

R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, tX 92WB40

--- In, "luckyron1"
> Drano Max worked for awhile. Now it stops up after just a couple cups
> of water. I dissassembled the easy screw off stuff and ran a 7$ Home
> Depot plumbing snake/tape down it but couldn't get past the trap. I've
> never done this kind of thing before and maybe I'm being a little over-
> cautious. The vertical pipe to the trap is poly. Unfortunately, due
> to cabinetry obstructions, I can't see to the trap so I don't know what
> kind of trap I'm dealing with. I'm afraid that it might also be poly
> and I don't want to risk breaking it should I use too much force.
> Theres almost no access from above it and due to the fact that it's in
> the slide there's no way to get to it from underneath that I can see
> anyway. Anybody done this before?
> Thanks guys and Happy Holidays!!
> Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
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12-28-2006, 04:28
Post: #5
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
1. Is it possibly a grease clog? If so maybe try putting a hair dryer in the
sink drain and blow hot air down the line and see if it will soften the clog.
Then wash out with boiling hot "Dawn" soapy water.
2. Can you get to the drain line where it connects to the gray tank. You may be
able to disconnect at the holding tank and get at the obstruction by going up
the drain line. Be careful not to get splashed with Drano.
Howard Truitt
Camilla, Ga.
86 PT40

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12-28-2006, 09:36
Post: #6
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
Thanks again! I keep resolving to check the diagrams, etc. available
in the Bird Box but I'm inflicted with the past 50 syndrome. Ha!
Someone suggest just that and sure enough I found out that there's no
trap. Just 2" PVC and several elbows. Looks like there's a clean-
out too but at this point I'm not exactly sure how to get to it. I'm
gonna check with Jessie Gibson at BB when they reopen after New
Years. Meanwhile, pulled the slide in today and did a little more
reaming with the tape; also put in some more Drano Max from the roof
vent. Wait and see from here on out. Will also try the hair dryer
trick and maybe gently run the tape in from the roof vent. Not an
emergency as we're using paper plates and plastic and secretly I
think the wife is OK with that. Ha!

Happy New Years fellow Birders!

Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
--- In, "Howard O. Truitt"
> Ron,
> 1. Is it possibly a grease clog? If so maybe try putting a hair
dryer in the sink drain and blow hot air down the line and see if it
will soften the clog. Then wash out with boiling hot "Dawn" soapy
> 2. Can you get to the drain line where it connects to the gray
tank. You may be able to disconnect at the holding tank and get at
the obstruction by going up the drain line. Be careful not to get
splashed with Drano.
> Howard Truitt
> Camilla, Ga.
> 86 PT40
> "Sowega"
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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12-28-2006, 10:01
Post: #7
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
Sorry to hear about your plugged line. I have had exceptionally good luck
freeing up clogged lines with a device made by and sold as a Drain King. It goes
on your garden hose and then inserts into the clogged line. You then turn the
hose on (gently, at least at first, don't want to burst any lines) and the gizmo
swells up to fill the pipe, then starts squirting water down the line under
pressure. You can even use a RV pressure reducer if you really want to play it
safe. It has worked like a champ for me every time I have used it. I have even
put it on a hot water line to help rinse out grease clogs. Just use a little
common sense when first turning the hose on and I bet you'll have a cleared line
in no time. Best of luck, Doug Engel, Gunnsion, CO,1981 FC35SB, "Pokey"

luckyron1 wrote:
Thanks again! I keep resolving to check the diagrams, etc. available
in the Bird Box but I'm inflicted with the past 50 syndrome. Ha!
Someone suggest just that and sure enough I found out that there's no
trap. Just 2" PVC and several elbows. Looks like there's a clean-
out too but at this point I'm not exactly sure how to get to it. I'm
gonna check with Jessie Gibson at BB when they reopen after New
Years. Meanwhile, pulled the slide in today and did a little more
reaming with the tape; also put in some more Drano Max from the roof
vent. Wait and see from here on out. Will also try the hair dryer
trick and maybe gently run the tape in from the roof vent. Not an
emergency as we're using paper plates and plastic and secretly I
think the wife is OK with that. Ha!

Happy New Years fellow Birders!

Ron & Ruth in San Antonio
--- In, "Howard O. Truitt"
> Ron,
> 1. Is it possibly a grease clog? If so maybe try putting a hair
dryer in the sink drain and blow hot air down the line and see if it
will soften the clog. Then wash out with boiling hot "Dawn" soapy
> 2. Can you get to the drain line where it connects to the gray
tank. You may be able to disconnect at the holding tank and get at
the obstruction by going up the drain line. Be careful not to get
splashed with Drano.
> Howard Truitt
> Camilla, Ga.
> 86 PT40
> "Sowega"
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Doug Engel, Gunnison, CO. 1981 FC35SB "Pokey"
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12-28-2006, 10:15
Post: #8
kitchen P-Trap clogged on 2000LXI
I believe they are available at Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, etc.

Curt Sprenger
1987 PT38 8V92 "MacAttack Racing"
Anaheim Hills, Calif.

Doug Engel wrote:

> Sorry to hear about your plugged line. I have had exceptionally good luck
freeing up clogged lines with a device made by and sold as a Drain King. It goes
on your garden hose and then inserts into the clogged line.
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