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Pleasant surprises
03-05-2007, 07:11
Post: #1
Pleasant surprises
Greetings to all:

Most of us, I think it is safe to say, detest surprises due to the fact
that those seldom bode well. Working on the '84FC today, a surprise of a
frozen bearing in the A/C idler was one such. You can imagine the moan that
came forth, because I was just knowing that there was not a swing radiator
mod done on this Coach. So with a low "want to" effort, off came the front
panels, my eyes thought they espied some sort of hinge, and with great
anticipation hurried to remove the rest of the bolts. Standing there
blinking to be sure the eyes had not gone south, a wide grin emitted as,
sure enough a hinge!!!! Woah,, is it beer thirty yet? Not only that but
the radiator had recently been re cored as well with all new hoses
attached! Yep, beer thirty for sure now. The mind set automatically went to
the word "UPGRADE" while I have this beast open and deep within the bowels
probing around. So surprises are not always so bad as I saw the belts, all
green stripe, were new. Charolette came out of the house about that time,
and with the big grin on my lips, she asked "what was up?" I asked her to
order pizza and stop for a 6 pac to chase it with, a celebration was in
order! So standing there in front of the Coach, I murmured to her ( the
Coach not the wife) "Lady, you just saved yourself from being named "butt

Last week, I had the Coach into a local shop to replace a broken lug nut
stud, so new seals were in order and all parts were in my hand is I drove
her in. While this was taking place, I checked the inner break drums and
pads, the pads were about 95% and no visible heat cracks on the break drum.
Then at that time another surprise came to pass, the separate sensor for
the cruise control had been added at some time in the past.

I am of the opinion that this Coach will be one very dependable unit when I
get all the systems on line and modifications that are planned, done. Yep
fellow Bird owners, am starting to gain a respect for this Lady.
Ahhh beer and pizza time I see!

Safe travels,

Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
Ralph's RV Solutions, Duncan, Oklahoma
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03-05-2007, 11:47
Post: #2
Pleasant surprises
Howdy, Ralph and Charolette,

> I am of the opinion that this Coach will be one very dependable unit
when I
> get all the systems on line and modifications that are planned,
done. Yep
> fellow Bird owners, am starting to gain a respect for this Lady.
> Ahhh beer and pizza time I see!
> Safe travels,
> Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
> 84FC35
> Ralph's RV Solutions, Duncan, Oklahoma

Well,seems as though the Blue Bird Angel is smiling upon you these

Best regards,
Jack and Liz
1993 BB Wanderlodge WB
Hiding out in Hondo, TX
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03-05-2007, 15:20
Post: #3
Pleasant surprises
Awww, come on Ralph! Ain't it about time you named your new baby?

26 days left to retirement, and you can bet your cheeks we're counting down each
and every one of them.

We'll be seeing you and Charolette sometime in early May!

Ken & Patti Marsh
ToWanda, 89PT40WB

"Ralph L. Fullenwider" wrote:
Greetings to all:

Most of us, I think it is safe to say, detest surprises due to the fact
that those seldom bode well. Working on the '84FC today, a surprise of a
frozen bearing in the A/C idler was one such. You can imagine the moan that
came forth, because I was just knowing that there was not a swing radiator
mod done on this Coach. So with a low "want to" effort, off came the front
panels, my eyes thought they espied some sort of hinge, and with great
anticipation hurried to remove the rest of the bolts. Standing there
blinking to be sure the eyes had not gone south, a wide grin emitted as,
sure enough a hinge!!!! Woah,, is it beer thirty yet? Not only that but
the radiator had recently been re cored as well with all new hoses
attached! Yep, beer thirty for sure now. The mind set automatically went to
the word "UPGRADE" while I have this beast open and deep within the bowels
probing around. So surprises are not always so bad as I saw the belts, all
green stripe, were new. Charolette came out of the house about that time,
and with the big grin on my lips, she asked "what was up?" I asked her to
order pizza and stop for a 6 pac to chase it with, a celebration was in
order! So standing there in front of the Coach, I murmured to her ( the
Coach not the wife) "Lady, you just saved yourself from being named "butt

Last week, I had the Coach into a local shop to replace a broken lug nut
stud, so new seals were in order and all parts were in my hand is I drove
her in. While this was taking place, I checked the inner break drums and
pads, the pads were about 95% and no visible heat cracks on the break drum.
Then at that time another surprise came to pass, the separate sensor for
the cruise control had been added at some time in the past.

I am of the opinion that this Coach will be one very dependable unit when I
get all the systems on line and modifications that are planned, done. Yep
fellow Bird owners, am starting to gain a respect for this Lady.
Ahhh beer and pizza time I see!

Safe travels,

Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
Ralph's RV Solutions, Duncan, Oklahoma

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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03-06-2007, 04:24
Post: #4
Pleasant surprises
--- In, "Ralph L. Fullenwider"

Hi Ralph Another happy post from the great one.
Like the other guy ask when you going to name it?
How about Dream 2 or Second chance.LOL
I am back on retirement and back to work on my Bird
Birds needs new bathroom heater,Water heater,raido and speakers,
and the first thinh is to find why my left turn singles come on when
I turn on the head lights .Will start tomorrow on that.
Bob Loomas 1985 PT 36

> Greetings to all:
> Most of us, I think it is safe to say, detest surprises due to the
> that those seldom bode well. Working on the '84FC today, a
surprise of a
> frozen bearing in the A/C idler was one such. You can imagine the
moan that
> came forth, because I was just knowing that there was not a swing
> mod done on this Coach. So with a low "want to" effort, off came
the front
> panels, my eyes thought they espied some sort of hinge, and with
> anticipation hurried to remove the rest of the bolts. Standing
> blinking to be sure the eyes had not gone south, a wide grin
emitted as,
> sure enough a hinge!!!! Woah,, is it beer thirty yet? Not only
that but
> the radiator had recently been re cored as well with all new hoses
> attached! Yep, beer thirty for sure now. The mind set
automatically went to
> the word "UPGRADE" while I have this beast open and deep within
the bowels
> probing around. So surprises are not always so bad as I saw the
belts, all
> green stripe, were new. Charolette came out of the house about
that time,
> and with the big grin on my lips, she asked "what was up?" I asked
her to
> order pizza and stop for a 6 pac to chase it with, a celebration
was in
> order! So standing there in front of the Coach, I murmured to her
( the
> Coach not the wife) "Lady, you just saved yourself from being
named "butt
> ugly!"
> Last week, I had the Coach into a local shop to replace a broken
lug nut
> stud, so new seals were in order and all parts were in my hand is
I drove
> her in. While this was taking place, I checked the inner break
drums and
> pads, the pads were about 95% and no visible heat cracks on the
break drum.
> Then at that time another surprise came to pass, the separate
sensor for
> the cruise control had been added at some time in the past.
> I am of the opinion that this Coach will be one very dependable
unit when I
> get all the systems on line and modifications that are planned,
done. Yep
> fellow Bird owners, am starting to gain a respect for this Lady.
> Ahhh beer and pizza time I see!
> Safe travels,
> Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
> 84FC35
> Ralph's RV Solutions, Duncan, Oklahoma
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03-06-2007, 07:54
Post: #5
Pleasant surprises
See what good living will bring you Ralph. Know you enjoyed the beer &

Terry Neal
Bozeman, MT
82PT40 6V92TA
74FC34 6V53T

Ralph L. Fullenwider wrote:

> Greetings to all:
> Most of us, I think it is safe to say, detest surprises due to the fact
> that those seldom bode well. Working on the '84FC today, a surprise of a
> frozen bearing in the A/C idler was one such. You can imagine the moan
> that
> came forth, because I was just knowing that there was not a swing
> radiator
> mod done on this Coach. So with a low "want to" effort, off came the
> front
> panels, my eyes thought they espied some sort of hinge, and with great
> anticipation hurried to remove the rest of the bolts. Standing there
> blinking to be sure the eyes had not gone south, a wide grin emitted as,
> sure enough a hinge!!!! Woah,, is it beer thirty yet? Not only that but
> the radiator had recently been re cored as well with all new hoses
> attached! Yep, beer thirty for sure now. The mind set automatically
> went to
> the word "UPGRADE" while I have this beast open and deep within the
> bowels
> probing around. So surprises are not always so bad as I saw the belts,
> all
> green stripe, were new. Charolette came out of the house about that time,
> and with the big grin on my lips, she asked "what was up?" I asked her to
> order pizza and stop for a 6 pac to chase it with, a celebration was in
> order! So standing there in front of the Coach, I murmured to her ( the
> Coach not the wife) "Lady, you just saved yourself from being named "butt
> ugly!"
> Last week, I had the Coach into a local shop to replace a broken lug nut
> stud, so new seals were in order and all parts were in my hand is I drove
> her in. While this was taking place, I checked the inner break drums and
> pads, the pads were about 95% and no visible heat cracks on the break
> drum.
> Then at that time another surprise came to pass, the separate sensor for
> the cruise control had been added at some time in the past.
> I am of the opinion that this Coach will be one very dependable unit
> when I
> get all the systems on line and modifications that are planned, done. Yep
> fellow Bird owners, am starting to gain a respect for this Lady.
> Ahhh beer and pizza time I see!
> Safe travels,
> Ralph and Charolette Fullenwider
> 84FC35
> Ralph's RV Solutions, Duncan, Oklahoma

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