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09-27-2006, 01:20
Post: #1
Check out the 2007 450LXi at Fully optioned at
about $1,000,000. Doesn't hurt to dream does it?

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40
Niceville, FL
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09-27-2006, 01:45
Post: #2

Was there a press announcement or something? I don't
see anything new at the bb website.

David B
'02 LXi, Smokey

jwasnewski wrote:
> Check out the 2007 450LXi at Fully optioned at
> about $1,000,000. Doesn't hurt to dream does it?
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB-40
> Niceville, FL
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09-27-2006, 06:05
Post: #3
I read an article this AM in September/October/November RV America Magazine.
About 3 Pages, featured vehicle. I referenced the web site in the article.
Perhaps it is already on the site, I haven't visited it. I'm still looking at
the pic"s in the magazine. It's mighty fine.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40

----- Original Message -----
From: David Brady
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] 450LXi


Was there a press announcement or something? I don't
see anything new at the bb website.

David B
'02 LXi, Smokey

jwasnewski wrote:
> Check out the 2007 450LXi at Fully optioned at
> about $1,000,000. Doesn't hurt to dream does it?
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB-40
> Niceville, FL

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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09-28-2006, 01:36
Post: #4
Thanks Leroy, I'll look for the magazine. I haven't seen anything
new, Wanderlodge related, on the BB website in quite some time.

David B
'02 LXi, Smokey

Leroy Eckert wrote:
> David:
> I read an article this AM in September/October/November RV America Magazine.
About 3 Pages, featured vehicle. I referenced the web site in the article.
Perhaps it is already on the site, I haven't visited it. I'm still looking at
the pic"s in the magazine. It's mighty fine.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB-40
> Niceville,FL
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11-25-2006, 13:11
Post: #5
We have enjoyed the coach now for 14 months, approx. 11,000 miles. Our
impression is Quality-Plus just like the other BBs. The 450 is so much
fun to drive my wife and I have lengthy discussions on how far to
drive each day. I usually want to keep going and going. I doubt I'm
alone in that regard. The driving is very smooth. When driving our
2001 Lx I needed to steer all the time. the independent front
suspension on thr 450 eliminated that. You drive it more like a nice car.
We asked the factory to install the new Koni shocks and it did make a
difference. I already liked the way it handled and the ride so the
shocks were not as important as some other 450 owners had claimed.
The turning radius is much improved and that does come into play often.
A very big improvement was in sound control. BB made the front area
very quiet with very little wind noise. The bedroom in this coach is
quiet and cool enough for my wife too take naps while traveling. Not
true in the Lx.
The Cat 525 is very adaquate. Our toad is a Jimmy and we have a RV
Lift for the 500# motor cycle. Our fuel monitor has steadly improved
to an avg. 6.65 mpg. If I look at the fuel flow when running at my
speed and ideal conditions it will indicate above 9-10 mpg. I think it
will get to 7 mpg before it averages out.
I have been treated extremely well by Holland Motor, Michigan.
We did not buy the coach from them (they did not have the floor plan/
colors we wanted) but they have given us great service and have worked
closely with the factory. We have had the coach to them for body work,
slide out issues, a broken Koni shock, Watbasco replacement, and dash
problems. They are a great company to work with.
The same can be said for BB factory. BB did a weeks worth of up
grades to bring our '05 up to the '06 standard.
I had an interesting chat with another 450 BB owner while waiting at
Holland Motor last week. His first coach was a 96 BB, then 2 Prevost
and now he says he "traded up" to the new 2007 450 lxi. He said it is
so much better than the Prevost. He went on and on about how much
better it drove etc, etc.
I hope this helps you move closer to a 450. Jack VanDenBerg '05 Lxi

--- In, David Brady wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> I think you're the only 450LXi owner on this list. I sure would
> like to hear your impressions of the coach: driveability, handling,
> ride, turning radius, towing capability, fuel mileage, reliability,
> quality, etc, etc. Many here on this list harbor the fantasy of
> ultimately owning one of these splendid birds. Your comments
> are most appreciated.
> David Brady
> '02 LXi, Smokey
> Va, soon to be NC
> adieu2y wrote:
> > David, I've had several issues with our 2005 (3 slides) so it is hard
> > to remember which was which. I do remember we had several problems
> > with our 2001 LX. The factory autorized Holland Motor to replace the
> > seal. I remember it took 2 men 12 hours. The second problem was with
> > alignment. Wendel and/or Jessie at the factory found it neccessary to
> > make very small adjustments. The slide caused some interesting delays
> > when it would not retract. After these 2 major fixes we did not
> > experience any more problems. I wish you well in finding the gremlins.
> > Jack VanDenberg Lxi 05
> > --- In, David Brady wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Quote this message in a reply
11-26-2006, 04:26
Post: #6

Thanks for taking the time to relay your experiences to us. You've
made a believer out of me. Last time I was in Fort Valley I test drove
a 450 and I concur with all that you said regarding ride and handling.
I didn't pay a lot of attention to wind noise or bedroom noise while
in transit, so am happy to hear your comments regarding these areas.
I was a bit concerned over the Cat C13 but your experience with
performance and fuel mileage alleviates those concerns. Now I need to
convince my wife that we need an upgrade!

David B
'02 LXi, Smokey
Va, soon to be NC

adieu2y wrote:
> David,
> We have enjoyed the coach now for 14 months, approx. 11,000 miles. Our
> impression is Quality-Plus just like the other BBs. The 450 is so much
> fun to drive my wife and I have lengthy discussions on how far to
> drive each day. I usually want to keep going and going. I doubt I'm
> alone in that regard. The driving is very smooth. When driving our
> 2001 Lx I needed to steer all the time. the independent front
> suspension on thr 450 eliminated that. You drive it more like a nice car.
> We asked the factory to install the new Koni shocks and it did make a
> difference. I already liked the way it handled and the ride so the
> shocks were not as important as some other 450 owners had claimed.
> The turning radius is much improved and that does come into play often.
> A very big improvement was in sound control. BB made the front area
> very quiet with very little wind noise. The bedroom in this coach is
> quiet and cool enough for my wife too take naps while traveling. Not
> true in the Lx.
> The Cat 525 is very adaquate. Our toad is a Jimmy and we have a RV
> Lift for the 500# motor cycle. Our fuel monitor has steadly improved
> to an avg. 6.65 mpg. If I look at the fuel flow when running at my
> speed and ideal conditions it will indicate above 9-10 mpg. I think it
> will get to 7 mpg before it averages out.
> I have been treated extremely well by Holland Motor, Michigan.
> We did not buy the coach from them (they did not have the floor plan/
> colors we wanted) but they have given us great service and have worked
> closely with the factory. We have had the coach to them for body work,
> slide out issues, a broken Koni shock, Watbasco replacement, and dash
> problems. They are a great company to work with.
> The same can be said for BB factory. BB did a weeks worth of up
> grades to bring our '05 up to the '06 standard.
> I had an interesting chat with another 450 BB owner while waiting at
> Holland Motor last week. His first coach was a 96 BB, then 2 Prevost
> and now he says he "traded up" to the new 2007 450 lxi. He said it is
> so much better than the Prevost. He went on and on about how much
> better it drove etc, etc.
> I hope this helps you move closer to a 450. Jack VanDenBerg '05 Lxi
Quote this message in a reply
11-26-2006, 07:25
Post: #7
convince my wife that we need an upgrade!
When Suzie, gives the green light, I know a guy in Myrtle Beach that
would be seriously interested in your coach...He wants to deal with
YOU ..your wife is way tooo tough! (hehehe)

86FC35 "RUBY" 4SALE..pencil sharpened
Murrells Inlet SC "right next to heaven"

--- In, David Brady
> Jack,
> Thanks for taking the time to relay your experiences to us. You've
> made a believer out of me. Last time I was in Fort Valley I test
> a 450 and I concur with all that you said regarding ride and
> I didn't pay a lot of attention to wind noise or bedroom noise while
> in transit, so am happy to hear your comments regarding these areas.
> I was a bit concerned over the Cat C13 but your experience with
> performance and fuel mileage alleviates those concerns. Now I need
> convince my wife that we need an upgrade!
> David B
> '02 LXi, Smokey
> Va, soon to be NC
> adieu2y wrote:
> > David,
> > We have enjoyed the coach now for 14 months, approx. 11,000
miles. Our
> > impression is Quality-Plus just like the other BBs. The 450 is so
> > fun to drive my wife and I have lengthy discussions on how far to
> > drive each day. I usually want to keep going and going. I doubt
> > alone in that regard. The driving is very smooth. When driving
> > 2001 Lx I needed to steer all the time. the independent front
> > suspension on thr 450 eliminated that. You drive it more like a
nice car.
> > We asked the factory to install the new Koni shocks and it did
make a
> > difference. I already liked the way it handled and the ride so
> > shocks were not as important as some other 450 owners had claimed.
> > The turning radius is much improved and that does come into play
> > A very big improvement was in sound control. BB made the front
> > very quiet with very little wind noise. The bedroom in this coach
> > quiet and cool enough for my wife too take naps while traveling.
> > true in the Lx.
> > The Cat 525 is very adaquate. Our toad is a Jimmy and we have a
> > Lift for the 500# motor cycle. Our fuel monitor has steadly
> > to an avg. 6.65 mpg. If I look at the fuel flow when running at my
> > speed and ideal conditions it will indicate above 9-10 mpg. I
think it
> > will get to 7 mpg before it averages out.
> > I have been treated extremely well by Holland Motor, Michigan.
> > We did not buy the coach from them (they did not have the floor
> > colors we wanted) but they have given us great service and have
> > closely with the factory. We have had the coach to them for body
> > slide out issues, a broken Koni shock, Watbasco replacement, and
> > problems. They are a great company to work with.
> > The same can be said for BB factory. BB did a weeks worth of up
> > grades to bring our '05 up to the '06 standard.
> > I had an interesting chat with another 450 BB owner while
waiting at
> > Holland Motor last week. His first coach was a 96 BB, then 2
> > and now he says he "traded up" to the new 2007 450 lxi. He said
it is
> > so much better than the Prevost. He went on and on about how much
> > better it drove etc, etc.
> > I hope this helps you move closer to a 450. Jack VanDenBerg '05
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Quote this message in a reply
11-26-2006, 08:55
Post: #8
Uh-oh, Me thinks I've been pegged a push-over! lol (Not too
far from the truth)... Looks like maybe I should take a look
at what an '06 450LXi is going for these days. Anybody have a
lead on a good deal? One would think that with the '07's right
around the corner, dealers may want to move their '06 inventory.
I know that once upon a time, Blue Bird would provide
factory support ($$$'s) to help dealers rid themselves of left
over inventory. I wonder if that practice is still in effect.

Scott, thanks for the complement on the coach.

David B
'02 LXi, Smokey
Va, soon to be NC

Scott wrote:
> David,
> convince my wife that we need an upgrade!
> When Suzie, gives the green light, I know a guy in Myrtle Beach that
> would be seriously interested in your coach...He wants to deal with
> YOU ..your wife is way tooo tough! (hehehe)
> ScottB
> 86FC35 "RUBY" 4SALE..pencil sharpened
> Murrells Inlet SC "right next to heaven"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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11-26-2006, 09:17
Post: #9
It is my understanding that Bluebird is not going to make birds to
put at dealers anymore. They are changing their business model to
allow you the ability to design your special bird before it has been
built. That is not to say that they are not going to design the show
birds that travel from show to show.

In addition, you will now be able to buy direct from the factory.
The factory is going to take birds on trade and recertify them for
resale. Once they do that, the factory will offer a warranty on the
used bird.

Al, Kathy, Alfred & Daniel Johnson
'96 BMC B50
Mandeville, Louisiana

--- In, David Brady
> Uh-oh, Me thinks I've been pegged a push-over! lol (Not too
> far from the truth)... Looks like maybe I should take a look
> at what an '06 450LXi is going for these days. Anybody have a
> lead on a good deal? One would think that with the '07's right
> around the corner, dealers may want to move their '06 inventory.
> I know that once upon a time, Blue Bird would provide
> factory support ($$$'s) to help dealers rid themselves of left
> over inventory. I wonder if that practice is still in effect.
> Scott, thanks for the complement on the coach.
> David B
> '02 LXi, Smokey
> Va, soon to be NC
> Scott wrote:
> > David,
> > convince my wife that we need an upgrade!
> >
> > When Suzie, gives the green light, I know a guy in Myrtle Beach
> > would be seriously interested in your coach...He wants to deal
> > YOU ..your wife is way tooo tough! (hehehe)
> >
> > ScottB
> > 86FC35 "RUBY" 4SALE..pencil sharpened
> > Murrells Inlet SC "right next to heaven"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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