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04-06-2007, 08:21
Post: #21
The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage. Three or four
lines of large letters, Max.

The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:

Weigh Station 1 mile.
Weigh Station next exit.
Weigh Station ->.

A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says

All Trucks
Commercial Vehicles
Next Right


All Trucks
Commercial Vehicles
must exit
Next Right

In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just those over
10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get the "over 5T GVW" into
the sign, and they do it at the expense of the Trucks Commercial part. They
don't want the lighter delivery trucks, which have to stop in many states, from
cluttering things up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase
the number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.

Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not alone in using
wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:

All Trucks
Commercial and
Towed Vehicles
Must Exit
Next Right

But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I refuse to spend
my time, while traveling down the road, trying to figure out what law a
disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply to me - there's got to be
thousands of such very unlikely possibilities. There's enough real laws I have
to concern myself with!

On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:

>For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a
>disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage
>litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the
>scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,
>then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to
>go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If
>enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the
>appropriate wording...

Don Bradner
90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"
Eureka, CA
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 12:55
Post: #22
Having just passed through NM and entered CO, I can say that the
signs at the entry point for both states were somewhat ambiguous
(although I can't recall the exact wording). Colorado's sign even
said something about "vehicles with tow-bars" ... However, in both
cases I could see other RVs passing the weigh station and no police
activity could be seen pulling these scofflaw RVers over.... (so I
drove right on by...)

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42
currently in Golden Colorado where it's darn cold!

On Apr 6, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Larry wrote:

> Guys,
> Also, all the other states you go through do not say ALL vehicles,
> they say only commercial vehicles or trucks... This only happened
> in MD, where the sign read ALL vehicles...
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 13:00
Post: #23
I just keep on roll'n. Stopped one time at an INS checkpoint for aliens where a
sign stated all commercial vehicles and buses must stop. Had a specific arrow
where the bus should go. The officer looked at me like I was nuts, took the
dog, sniffed the joint and said see ya, don't stop again. So, I keep going now.

Leroy Eckert
1990 Wb-40'Smoke N Mirrors"
In DeFuniak Springs, with the heater on. Crazy-32 tonignt.

----- Original Message -----
From: Don Bradner
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage. Three or four
lines of large letters, Max.

The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:

Weigh Station 1 mile.
Weigh Station next exit.
Weigh Station ->.

A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says

All Trucks
Commercial Vehicles
Next Right


All Trucks
Commercial Vehicles
must exit
Next Right

In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just those over
10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get the "over 5T GVW" into
the sign, and they do it at the expense of the Trucks Commercial part. They
don't want the lighter delivery trucks, which have to stop in many states, from
cluttering things up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase
the number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.

Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not alone in
using wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:

All Trucks
Commercial and
Towed Vehicles
Must Exit
Next Right

But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I refuse to
spend my time, while traveling down the road, trying to figure out what law a
disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply to me - there's got to be
thousands of such very unlikely possibilities. There's enough real laws I have
to concern myself with!

On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:

>For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a
>disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage
>litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the
>scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,
>then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to
>go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If
>enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the
>appropriate wording...

Don Bradner
90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"
Eureka, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 13:38
Post: #24
You just reminded me of when I went on the scales in MD... I pulled up to the
stop light waited for the next message and then it read proceed to the scale...
Now if they did not want me there, then why did they go through the trouble to
have me go through the whole procedure to get on the scale and after weighing
the BB the sign lite up with proceed to I-95... Nothing came over the CB to tell
me not to get on the scale, there was no message to tell me to proceed to I-95
before I went through the weighing process... You would think if I was not to be
there why would the take the time to have me go through the scales???
I do not know... I will in the future I will just avoid going through MD on

Sea Ya
84 35FCSB

----- Original Message ----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 9:00:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

I just keep on roll'n. Stopped one time at an INS checkpoint for
aliens where a sign stated all commercial vehicles and buses must stop. Had a
specific arrow where the bus should go. The officer looked at me like I was
nuts, took the dog, sniffed the joint and said see ya, don't stop again. So, I
keep going now.

Leroy Eckert

1990 Wb-40'Smoke N Mirrors"

In DeFuniak Springs, with the heater on. Crazy-32 tonignt.

----- Original Message -----

From: Don Bradner

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:21 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage. Three or four
lines of large letters, Max.

The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:

Weigh Station 1 mile.

Weigh Station next exit.

Weigh Station ->.

A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says

All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

Next Right


All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

must exit

Next Right

In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just those over
10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get the "over 5T GVW" into
the sign, and they do it at the expense of the Trucks Commercial part. They
don't want the lighter delivery trucks, which have to stop in many states, from
cluttering things up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase
the number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.

Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not alone in using
wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:

All Trucks

Commercial and

Towed Vehicles

Must Exit

Next Right

But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I refuse to spend
my time, while traveling down the road, trying to figure out what law a
disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply to me - there's got to be
thousands of such very unlikely possibilities. There's enough real laws I have
to concern myself with!

On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:


>For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a

>disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage

>litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the

>scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,

>then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to

>go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If

>enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the

>appropriate wording...

Don Bradner

90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"

Eureka, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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blockquote{margin:0 0 0 4px;}
.replbq {margin:4;}

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 13:52
Post: #25
Yeah, I figure if they want a closer look they can send the DOT car out. Act
dumb, ask for forgiveness later. I do not worry about being overweight, but
over length with the trailer.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40"Smoke N Mirrors"
Niceville, Fl

----- Original Message -----
From: Larry
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

You just reminded me of when I went on the scales in MD... I pulled up to the
stop light waited for the next message and then it read proceed to the scale...
Now if they did not want me there, then why did they go through the trouble to
have me go through the whole procedure to get on the scale and after weighing
the BB the sign lite up with proceed to I-95... Nothing came over the CB to tell
me not to get on the scale, there was no message to tell me to proceed to I-95
before I went through the weighing process... You would think if I was not to be
there why would the take the time to have me go through the scales???
I do not know... I will in the future I will just avoid going through MD on

Sea Ya
84 35FCSB

----- Original Message ----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 9:00:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

I just keep on roll'n. Stopped one time at an INS checkpoint for aliens where
a sign stated all commercial vehicles and buses must stop. Had a specific arrow
where the bus should go. The officer looked at me like I was nuts, took the dog,
sniffed the joint and said see ya, don't stop again. So, I keep going now.

Leroy Eckert

1990 Wb-40'Smoke N Mirrors"

In DeFuniak Springs, with the heater on. Crazy-32 tonignt.

----- Original Message -----

From: Don Bradner

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:21 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage. Three or four
lines of large letters, Max.

The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:

Weigh Station 1 mile.

Weigh Station next exit.

Weigh Station ->.

A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says

All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

Next Right


All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

must exit

Next Right

In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just those over
10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get the "over 5T GVW" into
the sign, and they do it at the expense of the Trucks Commercial part. They
don't want the lighter delivery trucks, which have to stop in many states, from
cluttering things up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase
the number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.

Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not alone in
using wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:

All Trucks

Commercial and

Towed Vehicles

Must Exit

Next Right

But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I refuse to
spend my time, while traveling down the road, trying to figure out what law a
disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply to me - there's got to be
thousands of such very unlikely possibilities. There's enough real laws I have
to concern myself with!

On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:


>For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a

>disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage

>litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the

>scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,

>then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to

>go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If

>enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the

>appropriate wording...

Don Bradner

90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"

Eureka, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


#ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}
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blockquote{margin:0 0 0 4px;}
.replbq {margin:4;}

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 14:59
Post: #26
I guess that will work, your right about the length though... I just do not
like to be stopped for any reason... I try to follow the rules as best I can...

Sea Ya
84 35FCSB

----- Original Message ----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 9:52:40 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

Yeah, I figure if they want a closer look they can send the DOT car
out. Act dumb, ask for forgiveness later. I do not worry about being
overweight, but over length with the trailer.

Leroy Eckert

1990 WB-40"Smoke N Mirrors"

Niceville, Fl

----- Original Message -----

From: Larry

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:38 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight


You just reminded me of when I went on the scales in MD... I pulled up to the
stop light waited for the next message and then it read proceed to the scale...
Now if they did not want me there, then why did they go through the trouble to
have me go through the whole procedure to get on the scale and after weighing
the BB the sign lite up with proceed to I-95... Nothing came over the CB to tell
me not to get on the scale, there was no message to tell me to proceed to I-95
before I went through the weighing process... You would think if I was not to be
there why would the take the time to have me go through the scales???

I do not know... I will in the future I will just avoid going through MD on

Sea Ya



84 35FCSB

----- Original Message ----

From: Leroy Eckert

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 9:00:12 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

I just keep on roll'n. Stopped one time at an INS checkpoint for aliens where a
sign stated all commercial vehicles and buses must stop. Had a specific arrow
where the bus should go. The officer looked at me like I was nuts, took the dog,
sniffed the joint and said see ya, don't stop again. So, I keep going now.

Leroy Eckert

1990 Wb-40'Smoke N Mirrors"

In DeFuniak Springs, with the heater on. Crazy-32 tonignt.

----- Original Message -----

From: Don Bradner

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:21 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight

The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage. Three or four
lines of large letters, Max.

The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:

Weigh Station 1 mile.

Weigh Station next exit.

Weigh Station ->.

A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says

All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

Next Right


All Trucks

Commercial Vehicles

must exit

Next Right

In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just those over
10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get the "over 5T GVW" into
the sign, and they do it at the expense of the Trucks Commercial part. They
don't want the lighter delivery trucks, which have to stop in many states, from
cluttering things up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase
the number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.

Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not alone in using
wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:

All Trucks

Commercial and

Towed Vehicles

Must Exit

Next Right

But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I refuse to spend
my time, while traveling down the road, trying to figure out what law a
disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply to me - there's got to be
thousands of such very unlikely possibilities. There's enough real laws I have
to concern myself with!

On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:


>For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a

>disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage

>litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the

>scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,

>then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to

>go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If

>enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the

>appropriate wording...

Don Bradner

90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"

Eureka, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

http://tools. com/shortcuts/ #loc_weather

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Get your own web address.
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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04-06-2007, 16:05
Post: #27
Larry, In California the CHP have special teams set up for trucks and
scales. I don't know how Missouri highway patrol does commercial
enforcement but In 1985 on my moving trip from NewJersey to
California,I was pulled over by a Missouri disgruntled police officer.

"is it Missour(AH) or Missour(EE)."

I passed a Missouri DOT scale with a oneton ford pickup. Less than
one mile later I was pulled over . During my conversation with the
trooper he corrected my annunciation and proclaimed "it's Missour
(ah) son, not Missour(EE)!!, Where ya from that they talk like that?"
He then wrote me a ticket when I said "New Jers(AH)". Prick

Gregory O'Connor

--- In, Larry
> Tom,
> For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you
get a disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the
signage litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided
going over the scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently
can get squashed, then you have to take the time to do this... As I
see it, it is easier to go over the scales then to take chances that
you may be stopped... If enough people do this then they will have to
change the signage to the appropriate wording...
> Sea Ya
> Larry
> 84 35FCSB
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04-06-2007, 16:23
Post: #28
Larry you are a tough fellow to convince that weighing stations in
every state are monitoring for compliance with the Federal Department
of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
(FMCSR) codes. It applies to ONLY commercial vehicles that are for

If you are worried about Maryland weigh stations you can read to your
hearts content here and you find absolutely nothing about motorhomes
or any other non commercial vehicle having to utilize these weigh stations.\

Then read

Now if you want to continue to worry about Maryland weigh
stations.guess you can. I chose to drive by them all and have for years.

tom warner
vernon center,ny
1985 PT 40

At 09:38 PM 4/6/2007, you wrote:
>You just reminded me of when I went on the scales in MD... I pulled
>up to the stop light waited for the next message and then it read
>proceed to the scale... Now if they did not want me there, then why
>did they go through the trouble to have me go through the whole
>procedure to get on the scale and after weighing the BB the sign
>lite up with proceed to I-95... Nothing came over the CB to tell me
>not to get on the scale, there was no message to tell me to proceed
>to I-95 before I went through the weighing process... You would
>think if I was not to be there why would the take the time to have
>me go through the scales???
>I do not know... I will in the future I will just avoid going
>through MD on I-95...
>Sea Ya
>84 35FCSB
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Leroy Eckert
>Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 9:00:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight
> I just keep on roll'n. Stopped one time at an INS
> checkpoint for aliens where a sign stated all commercial vehicles
> and buses must stop. Had a specific arrow where the bus should
> go. The officer looked at me like I was nuts, took the dog,
> sniffed the joint and said see ya, don't stop again. So, I keep going now.
>Leroy Eckert
>1990 Wb-40'Smoke N Mirrors"
>In DeFuniak Springs, with the heater on. Crazy-32 tonignt.
>----- Original Message -----
> From: Don Bradner
> To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Overweight
>The problem is that they want to avoid huge amounts of verbiage.
>Three or four lines of large letters, Max.
>The Federal DOT recommendation is for 3 signs:
>Weigh Station 1 mile.
> Weigh Station next exit.
> Weigh Station ->.
>A fourth sign, specified "if required by law" says
>All Trucks
> Commercial Vehicles
> Next Right
>All Trucks
> Commercial Vehicles
> must exit
> Next Right
>In Maryland's case, they don't require all trucks to stop. Just
>those over 10,000 lbs GVW. So the important thing to them is to get
>the "over 5T GVW" into the sign, and they do it at the expense of
>the Trucks Commercial part. They don't want the lighter delivery
>trucks, which have to stop in many states, from cluttering things
>up. The non-standard wording, rather than trying to increase the
>number of exiting vehicles, is actually designed to decrease them.
>Here's a typical from Colorado, just to show that Maryland is not
>alone in using wordage that could possibly be construed to include RVs:
>All Trucks
> Commercial and
> Towed Vehicles
> Must Exit
> Next Right
>But guess what? They don't mean me with my Jeep Liberty toad. I
>refuse to spend my time, while traveling down the road, trying to
>figure out what law a disgruntled new police officer might mis-apply
>to me - there's got to be thousands of such very unlikely
>possibilities. There's enough real laws I have to concern myself with!
>On 4/6/2007 at 12:47 PM Larry wrote:
> >Tom,
> >For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you get a
> >disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the signage
> >litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided going over the
> >scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently can get squashed,
> >then you have to take the time to do this... As I see it, it is easier to
> >go over the scales then to take chances that you may be stopped... If
> >enough people do this then they will have to change the signage to the
> >appropriate wording...
>Don Bradner
> 90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"
> Eureka, CA
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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04-06-2007, 18:06
Post: #29
Funny, I'm 60, with a lot of road miles under my belt, and I've never been
pulled over by a disgruntled police officer.

Not that I've never had any tickets, including 3 when driving truck in my
college days (one for being 2900 over on the single-axle tractor drivers, when
18000 was the limit), but I can't say I didn't deserve each of them, and in 2 of
the cases the officer wrote me for less than he might have. On the overweight
they let me redistribute the load and continue, still overweight, and still
ticketed. That was at the northbound Castaic scales in 1971.

On 4/7/2007 at 4:05 AM Gregory OConnor wrote:

>Larry, In California the CHP have special teams set up for trucks and
>scales. I don't know how Missouri highway patrol does commercial
>enforcement but In 1985 on my moving trip from NewJersey to
>California,I was pulled over by a Missouri disgruntled police officer.
>"is it Missour(AH) or Missour(EE)."
>I passed a Missouri DOT scale with a oneton ford pickup. Less than
>one mile later I was pulled over . During my conversation with the
>trooper he corrected my annunciation and proclaimed "it's Missour
>(ah) son, not Missour(EE)!!, Where ya from that they talk like that?"
>He then wrote me a ticket when I said "New Jers(AH)". Prick

Don Bradner
90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"
Eureka, CA
Quote this message in a reply
04-06-2007, 23:59
Post: #30
Hi Greg,
Thats funny... Thats exactly what I am talking about!!! I don't need that BS...

Sea Ya
84 35FCSB

----- Original Message ----
From: Gregory OConnor
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2007 12:05:07 AM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Overweight

Larry, In California the CHP have special teams set up for trucks

scales. I don't know how Missouri highway patrol does commercial

enforcement but In 1985 on my moving trip from NewJersey to

California,I was pulled over by a Missouri disgruntled police officer.

"is it Missour(AH) or Missour(EE). "

I passed a Missouri DOT scale with a oneton ford pickup. Less than

one mile later I was pulled over . During my conversation with the

trooper he corrected my annunciation and proclaimed "it's Missour

(ah) son, not Missour(EE)! !, Where ya from that they talk like that?"

He then wrote me a ticket when I said "New Jers(AH)". Prick

Gregory O'Connor


--- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, Larry



> Tom,

> For the most part they are all correct... Now what happens when you

get a disgruntled police officer that is new to the job and takes the

signage litterally and then stops you because he thinks you avoided

going over the scales and issues you a ticket, which you apparently

can get squashed, then you have to take the time to do this... As I

see it, it is easier to go over the scales then to take chances that

you may be stopped... If enough people do this then they will have to

change the signage to the appropriate wording...


> Sea Ya

> Larry


> 84 35FCSB


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