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Rally in the Valley
11-01-2007, 15:18
Post: #21
Rally in the Valley

Right you are! There is no perfect world out there, at least not from my
experience and my understanding. Some folks just bitch about everything
without consideration. These folks need to get in tune with reality. I for
one have great respect for Macy, Carl, for CCW, and I know we need to give
them TIME to make their "Bird acquisition work. This is a large undertaking
for CCW. It doesn't complete on day one, but each day is a learning and
building block. I believe we all want CCW to succeed. It's in our best
interest for the long run without going into detail. So let's give this them
time to sort things out and to make things work. Success is built on
determination, learning, and not on complaints.

On 11/1/07, Wallace Craig wrote:
> There is no need for any apology!! I don't know who the purveyor of the
> "po 100" was but their credability is without merit.
> The rally was well done and enjoyed by all but a few sore heads who would
> not buy a $10 new coach. We were most impressed with your and your staffs
> attitude and obvious concern.
> I do hope that a 38'is somewhere in the works; fuel efficient as well.
> Many thanks again
> Wallace & Faye Craig
> 95 WLWB 42
> Azle, Texas
> Macy Neshati > wrote:
> My sincere apologies for being late to the seminar, and if I truly "pissed
> off 100 people", I feel terrible about that. When I arrived I found the
> group to be constructive supportive and with lots of great questions.
> Thanks for the nice response and recap of the town hall meeting. I
> appreciate the honesty in all of the responses and already have a pretty
> good idea of what entertainment we will not be bringing back next year.
> Your support, encouragement and kindness are appreciated beyond words,
> thanks to all.
> Macy
> Macy Neshati
> www.
> email: macy@...
> Cell: 951 836 6525 Office: 951 684 9585 Fax: 951 684 2023
> 1863 Service Court
> Riverside, CA 92507
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Wallace Craig
> 95 WLWB 42
> Azle, Texas
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Curt Sprenger
1987 PT38 8V92 "MacAttack Racing"
Anaheim Hills, CA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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11-01-2007, 23:00
Post: #22
Rally in the Valley

There is no need to apologize for anything. The Rally was well run, was fun
and interesting, and it is going to be exciting to watch Bluebird come back to

My disappointment was with the individuals who didn't have the courtesy to
put their cell phones on vibrate and to keep quiet during the seminars. I went
to the seminars to learn, not to hear phones ring and men high on
testosterone talk non-stop. I'm thankful I'm not so important that I can't be
without a
cell phone for an hour to hour and a half and was raised to be considerate
and sit quietly while others are trying to listen and learn. Individuals at
the dinners were just as rude. Half the time we couldn't hear Brenda Rogers or
anyone else at the microphone. I guess common courtesy is gone.

Macy, you can be proud of how the Rally was run. Don't let a few "bad
apples" spoil the whole basket. I am looking forward to attending many rallies
the future and I wish you and the new owners of Bluebird the best of luck.

Randy Merrill
Ocala, FL

************************************** See what's new at

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11-03-2007, 02:18
Post: #23
Rally in the Valley
Macy: Sorry if I startled you with the "100 people being upset", but
I try to tell it like I see it or here it. Glad that you made it to
the meeting. I apologize for the upset.

You have an undaunting task before you and you have my support, as
well as that of, hopefully, all our members here on the forum. Some
of the improvements on the horizon seem to be leading the move nicely.

By the way, I am sorry I couldn't meet up with you at the RATS
Rally, and hope Rick Archie or Steve Gureasko had a chance to invite
you to the Lone Star Birds Holiday Rally in Kerrville, TX the end of

Thanks and good luck.

R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
Wanderlodge Forum Moderator

--- In, "Macy Neshati" wrote:
> My sincere apologies for being late to the seminar, and if I truly
> off 100 people", I feel terrible about that. When I arrived I found the
> group to be constructive supportive and with lots of great questions.
> Thanks for the nice response and recap of the town hall meeting. I
> appreciate the honesty in all of the responses and already have a pretty
> good idea of what entertainment we will not be bringing back next year.
> Your support, encouragement and kindness are appreciated beyond words,
> thanks to all.
> Macy
> Macy Neshati
> www.
> email: macy@...
> Cell: 951 836 6525 Office: 951 684 9585 Fax: 951 684 2023
> 1863 Service Court
> Riverside, CA 92507
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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11-05-2007, 07:27
Post: #24
Rally in the Valley
No worries, and yes, I was invited and will attend,

Thanks for the nice email and your words of support,

See you in Texas!!!

Travel Safe


Macy Neshati


email: macy@...

Cell: 951 836 6525 Office: 951 684 9585 Fax: 951 684 2023

1863 Service Court

Riverside, CA 92507

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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11-05-2007, 07:56
Post: #25
Rally in the Valley

As always, appreciate the kind words of support and encouragement. Thanks
very much Randy, see you soon and travel safe!


Macy Neshati


email: macy@...

Cell: 951 836 6525 Office: 951 684 9585 Fax: 951 684 2023

1863 Service Court

Riverside, CA 92507

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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08-13-2008, 07:41
Post: #26
Rally in the Valley
I googled Bluebird Rally and listed is Coach Works who just has the
form you will need to register with the schedule for the week. They
have 150 spaces so if you are going get it in now.

Hugs Ms. Patticake

90Pt 40Ft WB SB Jus Chillin.(Mardi Gras Circus Wagon)
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08-13-2008, 07:58
Post: #27
Rally in the Valley
The specific webpage is

On 8/13/2008 at 7:41 PM patticake592000 wrote:

>I googled Bluebird Rally and listed is Coach Works who just has the
>form you will need to register with the schedule for the week. They
>have 150 spaces so if you are going get it in now.
>Hugs Ms. Patticake
>90Pt 40Ft WB SB Jus Chillin.(Mardi Gras Circus Wagon)
>Yahoo! Groups Links
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08-15-2008, 04:37
Post: #28
Rally in the Valley
Folks, sorry for the long delay in getting the information posted, but
registration forms along
with a brief schedule of events is are posted on our website:

Dates are October 19th-23rd, Hope to see you there!
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08-20-2008, 10:33
Post: #29
Rally in the Valley
Is anything going to be sent to those that have registered? Even if
it's just a confirmation email, that would be nice. Looking forward
to being there!



--- In, "mneshati2" wrote:
> Folks, sorry for the long delay in getting the information posted,
but registration forms along
> with a brief schedule of events is are posted on our website:
> Dates are October 19th-23rd, Hope to see you there!
> Macy
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08-20-2008, 11:20
Post: #30
Rally in the Valley
--- In, "jcmace59"
> Macy,
> Is anything going to be sent to those that have registered? Even
> it's just a confirmation email, that would be nice. Looking
> to being there!
> Thanks!
> John
> F115790
> --- In, "mneshati2" wrote:
> >
> > Folks, sorry for the long delay in getting the information
> but registration forms along
> > with a brief schedule of events is are posted on our website:
> >
> > Dates are October 19th-23rd, Hope to see you there!
> > Macy
> >
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