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08-13-2006, 01:02
Post: #15
Hi Pete,

I wanted to address the following for you:

> when I've been in a park with 30 amp power, I've
> unplugged and turned
> on the generator to use the cook top -- figured I'd
> blow the 30 amp
> circuit otherwise.

Generally speaking, most Birds are electrically
designed so the generator is the primary source of
power. Therefore, after the generator is started and
completes its warm-up and test cycles (and, for Birds
so equipped, the additional tests by the generator
controller (WestHaver GenCon)), the shore power
connection is internally disconnected by the transfer
switch (in some Birds you can hear the transfer switch
humming in the kitchen sink area, or hear it
snap/clunk when switching) in favor of the generator
power source. When the generator is shut down, the
power source automatically reverts to shore power, (or
inverter, if no shore power is available). Therefore,
in the future, you needn't disconnect at the pedestal
to start/stop the generator; although, it is always a
good idea not to switch among power sources while
drawing heavy amperages to avoid burning/pitting the
electrical contacts. Manual transfer switch Birds, as
well. Best to reduce the load first (shut off A/C's,
microwave oven, etc.) - If your coach has 12V
electronic gear, such as in-motion sat, and DOES NOT
have a separate 12V power supply (which we've
recommended adding ad-nauseum here on the Forum), I'd
also strongly recommend shutting those sensitive
electronics down momentarily while switching power

John Suter

--- Pete Masterson wrote:

> Gregory,
> I followed your explanation except for the part
> quoted below. The 30
> amp 220 circuit in my home that I "stole" for the
> coach originally
> served an electric stove (or oven, I forget which --
> we converted the
> house stove to natural gas). So what I don't
> understand is why the 30
> amps available would be only on one leg or the other
> but not both?
> The circuit is served by two breakers (switches tied
> together with a
> metal bar) and wired with a red, black, white and
> green wire. White
> is neutral, green is ground, I thought the black and
> red were each a
> 30 amp "leg" of the circuit -- or am I missing
> something. (I'm not an
> electrician, so "three phase" wiring isn't my area
> of clear
> understanding.)
> As for the cheater cable idea, it sounds like it's
> likely more
> trouble than it's worth. My coach is "all electric"
> (no LP gas), so
> when I've been in a park with 30 amp power, I've
> unplugged and turned
> on the generator to use the cook top -- figured I'd
> blow the 30 amp
> circuit otherwise. (It is a little inconvenient.) It
> might have been
> nice to use the cheater to create enough power for
> the cook top, but
> I'd guess that the 30 amp and 15/20 amp circuits use
> the same leg
> (black or red) from the park power supply, and
> therefore wouldn't
> gain me anything (but a headache and possibly an
> upset park owner).
> Pete Masterson
> aeonix1@...
> '95 Bluebird Wanderlodge WBDA 4203
> El Sobrante, CA
> On Aug 12, 2006, at 7:18 PM, Gregory OConnor wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > To trip a 50 amp breaker you can draw 51 amps off
> one leg or 25 and
> > 26 amps on a set. With your 30 amp 220 breaker at
> the house you have
> > 30 amp available on each leg but not at the same
> time.
> > <snip>
> > Gregory O'Connor
> > cheater
> > 94ptRomolandCa
> <snip>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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Messages In This Thread
30 AMP OPS - jwasnewski - 08-11-2006, 10:14
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-11-2006, 10:23
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-11-2006, 12:46
30 AMP OPS - Scott - 08-11-2006, 13:40
30 AMP OPS - Gregory OConnor - 08-11-2006, 16:17
30 AMP OPS - Howard O. Truitt - 08-11-2006, 22:31
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-11-2006, 23:33
30 AMP OPS - Tom Warner - 08-12-2006, 00:21
30 AMP OPS - erniecarpet@... - 08-12-2006, 08:11
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-12-2006, 11:59
30 AMP OPS - Gregory OConnor - 08-12-2006, 14:18
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-12-2006, 14:49
30 AMP OPS - Gregory OConnor - 08-12-2006, 17:05
30 AMP OPS - Gardner Yeaw - 08-12-2006, 20:45
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-13-2006 01:02
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-13-2006, 01:29
30 AMP OPS - Wilhelmus Schreurs - 08-13-2006, 05:20
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-13-2006, 07:25
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-13-2006, 07:46
30 AMP OPS - jwasnewski - 08-13-2006, 08:04
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-13-2006, 08:22
30 AMP OPS - jwasnewski - 08-13-2006, 08:43
30 AMP OPS - Gregory OConnor - 08-13-2006, 09:10
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-13-2006, 09:15
30 AMP OPS - Wilhelmus Schreurs - 08-13-2006, 09:29
30 AMP OPS - Wilhelmus Schreurs - 08-13-2006, 09:34
30 AMP OPS - Wilhelmus Schreurs - 08-13-2006, 09:45
30 AMP OPS - The Squires - 08-13-2006, 10:01
30 AMP OPS - erniecarpet@... - 08-13-2006, 10:20
30 AMP OPS - Leroy Eckert - 08-13-2006, 10:34
30 AMP OPS - Leroy Eckert - 08-13-2006, 10:39
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-13-2006, 11:15
30 AMP OPS - Leroy Eckert - 08-13-2006, 12:06
30 AMP OPS - Pete Masterson - 08-13-2006, 15:13
30 AMP OPS - John Suter - 08-13-2006, 23:16
30 AMP OPS - g_man1146 - 08-14-2006, 05:22
30 AMP OPS - Leroy Eckert - 08-14-2006, 07:49
30 AMP OPS - Leroy Eckert - 08-14-2006, 11:48

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