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09-11-2006, 10:35
Post: #2
I will second the motion. Aye!! Thanks.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] 9-11

Well, here we are 5 years. Not wanting to get into a political
discussion at all, but I think it is relevent here. Let's all take a
moment as we enjoy our lives today, the fruits of our labors, and our
families to reflect back.

Two things come to mind.

Here in our own country. The terrible devasatation. The tremendous
losses endured by folks we do not know. The senseless loss of life.
Most importantly all of our lives have been drastically changed from
that day forward.

The brave, fearless men and women that stand on the wall to allow us
the freedom that generations before ours strived for. The personal
sacrifices most have had to work through, the loss of a brother,
friend, father, mother, sister, however you want to percieve a lost

Whether you agree or not with todays political arena is not the
point. The point is TODAY is a special day. Let's all take a minute
to think about what happened 5yrs ago, and is happening at this
minute. Take a moment out of our lives and say thank you ...really
mean thank you. I for one am truly grateful.


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Messages In This Thread
9-11 - Scott - 09-11-2006, 04:12
9-11 - Leroy Eckert - 09-11-2006 10:35

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