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sporlan valve
09-21-2006, 14:11
Post: #18
sporlan valve
I did the same as mine would stick from time to time..think maybe
had granules of calcium stuck in valve. Thought about getting a
rebuild kit, but didn't want to have to pull it out from the inside.
Bob Lawrence
84 PT36
Tacky Tacoma, Wa.
> Yes, I've had that happen. I bought a brass hose shut off with a
male and female end and
> screwed it into the hose inlet on the coach so I could just turn
it off and avoid any future
> problems with the backflow valve. Cheap insurance.
> Kerry
> 82 Fc 35
> Denver
> While filling my water tank, I turned the outside fill switch off
> > disconnected the hose. Went inside to use the water pump and it
> > not pressurize. So- thought that the sporlan valve was stuck.
With my
> > socket set and a towel, I removed the 4 bolts and banged on it-
> > usually, that Ernie fix works great. I turned the water pump
back on -
> > nothing- no pressure. I went to get more tools- aka bigger
hammer, and
> > left the pump on. Outside I had a lake- the backflow valve on
the water
> > inlet had stuck allowing all the water, while the pump was on to
> > outside. Stuck a screwdiver in that and that water stopped
flowing and
> > everything is back to normal.
> > Anyone have that happen to them? Ernie- 83PT40 in Montana
> >
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