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6 wire toad connector
05-23-2007, 15:13
Post: #5
6 wire toad connector
Dave, I never try and remember what is what. I test with a test light
every time. if you have amber turns, the stop and turn are
seperate. My 94pt has volvo amber turns, but the origional plug at
the back of my bus is set up to share a turn and stop I am sure there
are diodes someplace. You need air pressure to glow the stop
taillights. When I complete a connection I pump the socket full of
bathroom silicone. I am not a fan of Dielectric grease because it
melts off and traps in road salt on old connections.


--- In, David Brady
> Folks,
> I'm wiring my toad and need to know which connector
> the tail lights connects to. It's a six pin connector. Ground,
> Left Turn, and Right Turn are clearly labled. That leaves
> 3 connectors labeled: S, TM, and A. Which of these connects
> to the tail lights?
> Thanks,
> David Brady
> '02 LXi, Smokey
> NC
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Messages In This Thread
6 wire toad connector - David Brady - 05-23-2007, 12:03
6 wire toad connector - Leroy Eckert - 05-23-2007, 12:50
6 wire toad connector - David Brady - 05-23-2007, 13:18
6 wire toad connector - pattypape - 05-23-2007, 13:59
6 wire toad connector - Gregory OConnor - 05-23-2007 15:13

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