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Stair Cover
08-02-2007, 07:31
Post: #3
Stair Cover
I have an 1980 , and the screws on mine are 1 5/8 long .Maybe a 1/4 " thick.
Fred Wells

George Burke wrote: A previous owner removed the
hinged stair cover that usually mounts to
the half closet on my 1977 FC31. It has carpet on one side, and the
same woodgrain formica on the other that is through out my bus. This
nifty item folds down over the stairs, making that area level with the
rest of the bus. I would like to reinstall this for the benefit of my
older sister, who has hip problems. There are four screw holes thru
which large screws were used to mount it thru the carpet, and to the
floor. Does any FC owner have one of these, and if so would you pls.
measure the length of the (4) scews, and let me know. I want to make
sure that I install screws long enough to hold the cover intact, but
don't want to send then so deep as to reach China, or some electrical
wire that BB hid under there some yrs. ago. TIA George Burke 1977FC31

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Messages In This Thread
Stair Cover - George Burke - 08-01-2007, 16:49
Stair Cover - chet geist - 08-02-2007, 04:55
Stair Cover - FRED WELLS - 08-02-2007 07:31
Stair Cover - chet geist - 08-02-2007, 10:41
Stair Cover - George Burke - 08-04-2007, 10:24

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