Thanks Stephen, this clarifies it some, but do techs show up at riv and do some free repairs?
-------Original Message-------
From:[/i] ""
Date:[/i] 04/24/08 15:59:42
To:[/i] ""
Subject:[/i] [WanderlodgeForum] Re: riv vs rats
Riv is sponsored by Bluebird and Dealers and is a pay event
Rats is sponsored by the people that are too lazy to go home after RIV
the only cost for Rats is the price of the Camping spot at a private park
In the past years people from Bluebird have shown up at the rats
You will find that the Rats Rally is a blast the friend old and new
the fixits and potluck dinners are second to none
Everyone contributes what they can either technical expertise or what
ever no monetary values are assessed
It is an unstructured gathering of friends and should not be missed
Ernie was instrumental in starting RATS and it has become and annual
Stephen 77fc35 bringing the Canadian Bacon
--- In "", "medpro28" <medpro@...> wrote:
> Since I have never been to riv or rats, could someone explain the
> difference other than location? Also are factory techs at both?
> Jerry Smith
> 2005 450 LXI
> Sarasota, Fl.