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seat pedestals
05-28-2008, 14:17
Post: #5
seat pedestals
you can go to a big truck junk yard and buy the pedestal way cheep.
Volvo has some good ones. the big truck peds have a forward and back
float that you can lock out. the float helps with the jarring from
shift movement.

When you remount the seat and ped it should be as secure as the seat
belt. If the seat came loose in a front end wreck, the drivers weight
and the weight of the seat may do some harm when the driver gets
caught under the belt.

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Messages In This Thread
seat pedestals - bubblerboy64 - 05-28-2008, 02:59
seat pedestals - Steve Pfiffner - 05-28-2008, 03:18
seat pedestals - brad barton - 05-28-2008, 03:33
seat pedestals - bubblerboy64 - 05-28-2008, 04:11
seat pedestals - Gregory OConnor - 05-28-2008 14:17

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