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steering box
08-24-2008, 07:14
Post: #19
steering box
John - The shop is talking about adjusting the play or "pre-load" on
the steering box's Cross Shaft and Sector Shaft. It makes sense that
these adjustments could be needed after a few miles on a rebuilt box.

Also, re-torqing those mounting bolts mentioned in other posts may

Bob Griesl '84 FC31 WLII WA

--- In, "bubblerboy64"
> My bus is in the shop as we speak sorting our suspension and
> issues. The fellows have told me that they have things in pretty
> good order but are concerned about some "free travel" which they
> traced to the steering box. Now here is the issue. This steering
> was a rebuilt box which the previous owner replaced about 20K miles
> ago. (The previous owner said this greatly improved the handling.)
> The guys are telling me that my options are to live with this free
> travel or get another remanufactured steering box. My concern is
> that I might get another only to find its no better then the one I
> have now. My fellows are also not really familiar with BB's and I
> wonder if they are expection the impossible with this old FC? Any
> suggestions or tricks which I might pass on to the shop. They did
> say there was some type of adjustment that they were going to try
> make but it was "tricky" if they went just a little too far then
> steering would potentially have a tight spot or a hitch in it.( I
> not have that exactly right as to their discription but you likely
> get the point. They said what they were going to adjust but that
> didn't stick in the ole knoggin) The shop works on RV's and heavy
> equipment and is very well respected. They don't see a lot of BB'ds
> so if there is any thing I can pass along they are more then
> for my information.
> John Heckman
> central Pa
> 1973 FC
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