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New Vintage Bird Owner First Post
08-28-2008, 04:43
Post: #7
New Vintage Bird Owner First Post

Thanks for all of the kind words, sorry I have been away from my computer for a bit.
Still moving forward with the purchase. Deposit has been sent and having someone local do a quick inspection for me. Unless something major is wrong we will be making arangements to fly there and drive back.
Don't know when we will be traveling allot so I will rely on my AAA towing if needed. crossed fingers for sure.
I am just a bit older than the Bird by 7 years, my wife just 4.
It has the 391 gas, so I know it will be very slow. Have thoughts of an diesel transplant to help with the power.
Starting to put a tool kit together that I can put in one bag. Will make a trip to walmart for some paper plates ect when we get rolling.
Might be having a relitive making the trip up to portland befor we do, if that is the case I will be sending sleeping bags and a bunch of other stuff that way so the flight will be a little lighter
The bird is a 1968 version. It has been redone inside a few years ago and looks pretty nice. No idea on miles, but not sure if it really matters for something that old. Tires are new so that "should" not be an issue. Hope to have time in portland to swap belts and check fluids.
Can I put pics in the post or do I need ot open a folder?
Will let everyone know where we are at on this adventure. Wife and myself are really looking forward to flying in the Bird. May have even come up with a name.......... OLD & SLOW ment in the most loving way.
for now
----- Original Message -----
From: ""
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 15:05
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: New Vintage Bird Owner First Post

Hi John, Welcome to the forum. I will be very interested in
following along with ya on your adventure. Tell us about what you
bought. The old ones have character and deserve good homes and care.
Just think what you were doing when the coach was built. I was just
finishing college and here I am almost 62 years old. You might not
have even been close to being born who knows but the nice thing is
the old bird will still work well for you.

As to what to take along. That's difficult because as soon as we
make a list for you you can figure that you will have everything
except the one thing you need. I might suggest that you don't take
anything along and once you get there perhaps pick up some basic hand
tools just to keep in the bus at all times. Now if you already have
a couple of everything then take just the basics along.

Most important thing to do is to go over the coach fairly carefully
before you take off and look for things which can cause trouble such
as loose belts hoses and tires (especially if they are very old and
have obvious weather cracking) Check the fluids and do the stuff you
would do on a car. I always worry about tires on these old and very
heavy buses so don't forget if you have trouble a flat or worse off a
blow out is not a good thing to have happen in a car but a lot worse
in a motor-home. If the tires are really bad get new ones before you
even start out and if they are respectable just keep the speeds way
down. Maybe 50 mph tops.

If the motor-home starts up and runs and shifts gears as it should I
would just stop often and check the fluid levels and use common
sense. It takes a while to "get on to" driving the older FC's so go
slow and let them pass you. Worn your wife that there is a learning
curve and that most of us who have older coaches have had to learn to
drive them. The wheels are 4 ft or so behind you and these buses do
tend to wander a little (0r a lot depending). My heart was in my
throat for the first couple hundred miles and especially if the roads
are bad. I would suggest not driving a night because you need to see
the roads. Try not to frighten the wife too badly first time out.
You'll be Ok if you take your time

Post a bunch of pictures as soon as you can and welcome to the ole
bird club.

John Heckman
central Pa
1973 FC
> A deal has been made on "our" Vintage 1968 Bird. Will be driving
> home apx 600 miles. We will be flying in and driving home.
> What I am looking for is an idea of what I can take on the plane to
> make the trip home as easy as possible. I will try to take some
> basic tools that I will have to check in on the plane.
> Coach will be inspected by 3rd party before we go, but I have not
> seen it in person.
> Any suggestions.
> would it be worth it to join Good Sams or something similar for
> towing protection?
> Both my wife and myself are really looking forward to this.
> Thanks
> John
> Penryn Ca.

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Messages In This Thread
New Vintage Bird Owner First Post - jcpryn - 08-26-2008, 06:15
New Vintage Bird Owner First Post - Pete Masterson - 08-26-2008, 09:44
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