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RIV Report?
11-02-2008, 03:44
Post: #74
RIV Report?

Dan and Cindy,

Thanks for the great post. This is what we need more of. It's

great to hear from some of the 380 and 450 owners who

have first hand experience with warranties and recalls. You

have a wanderful coach. Best of luck,

David Brady

'02 LXi, NC

86Bluebird wrote:


Not quite sure how to respond to this thread.

We are owners of a 450Lxi and love the coach. CCW has done exactly what

Macy has so eloquently stated in his reply. Yes, we have our issues,
but we

have worked with CCW and their employees for over a year to resolve
most of

them and they have gone way over that extra mile for us and many others

know personally.

We have experienced it ourselves and do not have to rely on others or

posts to know where we stand. As stated, where we would we all be if CCW

had not stepped up and purchased the Wanderlodge facility when Cerberus

ready to close her up. Up a creek, that's where.

Enough crying, babbling, and venting. Let's get behind this great

company and help them survive, instead of tearing them down like rotten

sheets off the clothes line. The company, and it's officers deserve

and have endured there own personal hell this year. I know when Dale

purchased this company, he only saw good in how he could build back the

Bluebird name. Let's get behind them and help this happen.

With the economy in the dumper and all the financial problems, no good

come from anything other than helping the other guy, not stepping on

SWBB, a California Bluebird group will be meeting in Quartzsite this

for an annual rally. Look for the write up on last years rally in this

fall's issue of Bird Tracks. I hope CCW will participate again as they

in the past. It was was a great show of support for the group that

the rally.

Living on the left coast with Bluebird on the right, is difficult to
say the

least. Having CCW close to us is a welcomed event. We really are very

appreciative to Macy and Dale for all they have done for us. Macy, we

you get your health stabilized as soon as possible.

Dan and Cindy Sunderland

2005 450Lxi

San Marcos, CA

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