Does your shower drain mechanism work properly ? My '83 had the drain
handle that operated a "bucket" type stop that was in the vertical
plumbing behind the lower part of the shower. The bucket was "stuck" in
the almost closed position which allowed it to drain, but very slowly.
I broke the chain while trying to carefully get it to raise. I could
not get a snake of any size to do anything, and drain cleaners would
not help either. That vertical plumbing with the bucket is in an area
that you cannot get to without some serious tear out. What I ended up
doing was going under the bus, and drilling about a 1/4" hole in the
plastic pipe "U" fitting that would allow me to ge a long narrow
screwdriver up to the bottom of the "bucket" to force it up into the
pipe, where it remains. I then replaced the drain stop with one of the
pop-up type that you step on to make it operate.
Hopefully yours is just clogged with the usual culprits. I agree to
start out with less caustic substances first, and a small hand snake
may make the 90 degree bend.
But if you have the same kind of drain system as mine and the drain
handle doesn't seem to work, you make have the dreaded "stuck bucket".
Dan Schrader
Buckeye Bird
--- In "", "Scott Forman"
<scottforman75@ ...> wrote:
> Is it safe to use a regular drain cleaner like Drain-O in my shower
> drain?
> Scott Forman
> 86 PT38
> Memphis