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Bird of the Week Special
04-12-2009, 10:25
Post: #13
Bird of the Week Special
--- In, "Fred Bellows" wrote:
> --- In, Pete Masterson wrote:
> > .....If the BOTW would have a URL for a related set of photos or the
> > owner's travel blog (or whatever) -- that would be nice.
> Yes, a URL to another place that has space for more and better pictures (with
captions) would be great! The thing about the forum(s), is that, while we mainly
attend for help and support on repairs/upgrades/etc., the biggest, definable
content category that is missing is seeing and hearing about the
coaches/lifestyle when they're not being repaired/under-construction/etc. When
the coaches are all polished up, being used, having their uniqueness shown off,
and, once in while, getting their 15 minutes of fame!
> In other words, a place where people can see and read about lots of coaches in
their prime, shining a positive light and helping glorify our special hobby, and
even increasing the value of our coaches! We've known our coaches are special,
vintage treasures, but now with the BB factory closed (and many others), they
are now officially collectible, unique, rare, and de-facto, more valuable. And
will be in-demand over the next several years as the economy recovers, people
want to buy high end RV's again, and yet hardly any new ones will be available!
> So, an enhanced Bird of the Week feature (with full archive) would be a great
place for a potential coach buyer (weighing BB vs SOB), to see just what it is
that we are so fanatical about!
> But mostly it would be a wonderful place we can go, to see what the other
members of our BB Family have done, get ideas on what we can do, and to live
vicariously when we're unable to get out and play with our coaches!
> Fred & Wendy Bellows
> 90SP Queen Creek, AZ (basically Phx)
> "Maunder Maximum"

WOW, thats a tall order. It would be nice to be able to have that feature, but
this 4 letter word that I'm going to type get's in the way of all our voluntary
efforts to keep this forum running--- that is WORK. The 4 of us that do this
forum are very busy doing other things- like make a living. If we had someone
who is "retired" or has way too much time on their hands, and would be willing
to chase down this information, that would be grteat-- any takers?? I also want
to point out that nearly 33% of all photos that come into Mikes mailbox have NO
information in regards to what yerar, location, who is actually in the photo-
etc. You guys get the idea?? Lets add some info when you submit your photos.
Again, thanks to all that have helped in this endeavor.
Ernie Ekberg-83PT40- currently home in Weatherford, Tex- we had some rain!!
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Messages In This Thread
Bird of the Week Special - mbulriss - 04-10-2009, 04:30
Bird of the Week Special - Jon - 04-10-2009, 05:01
Bird of the Week Special - Fred Bellows - 04-10-2009, 06:09
Bird of the Week Special - Rick Davis - 04-10-2009, 09:55
Bird of the Week Special - Pete Masterson - 04-10-2009, 10:43
Bird of the Week Special - whistles_n_bells - 04-10-2009, 15:50
Bird of the Week Special - whistles_n_bells - 04-10-2009, 17:29
Bird of the Week Special - John - 04-10-2009, 22:57
Bird of the Week Special - Fred Bellows - 04-11-2009, 01:30
Bird of the Week Special - whistles_n_bells - 04-11-2009, 16:38
Bird of the Week Special - mbulriss - 04-12-2009, 02:49
Bird of the Week Special - Rose Mary - 04-12-2009, 03:53
Bird of the Week Special - Ernest Ekberg - 04-12-2009 10:25
Bird of the Week Special - Jon - 04-12-2009, 13:37
Bird of the Week Special - mbulriss - 04-12-2009, 13:48
Bird of the Week Special - Rick Davis - 04-13-2009, 01:35
Bird of the Week Special - Fred Bellows - 04-13-2009, 03:58

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