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Ernie Arrived in Aguanga at Rancho California
08-07-2009, 17:34
Post: #16
Ernie Arrived in Aguanga at Rancho California
Out here in Ahnoldland, we get paid with IOUs. I have not had the heart to tell
Ernie yet.

Tommy Two Shoes
Aguanga, CA

--- In, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@...> wrote:
> Rick,
> Good of you to offer all that free advice to the Left Coasters so they treat
Ernie right. He can probably get some real fresh Mahi-Mahi out there.
> Are you going to be at the Lone Star Birds Rally in Waco this weekend? I want
to hear about Greg's great adventure and we probably need to dial Ernie up to
make sure he's surviving with all those folks in Ahnoldland.
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX
> --- In, "Rick A." wrote:
> >
> > Ernie,
> > Be very careful around those California folks. Curt and the others are
mostly OK. But Tommy Two Shoes and Greg are definitely different! Ernie do they
have a trough at the RV park for you to water your horse?
> >
> > Tommy,
> > You should buy stock in the nearest Liquor Store quick and call the store
manager and ask him to order something called "Boxed Wine" which is a Texas
delicacy. Also a Dinner suggestion: Ernie's favorite food is Fish, he loves all
types. And you may have to change your name, after Ernie is finished with your
coach to: Tommy No Shoes.
> >
> > Greg,
> > Please show Ernie your true character, not your internet one! But no table
dances. And you must, I mean must, tell Ernie about the Landscape Job you did at
the nudist camp, where you and your crews were not allowed to wear clothes!
> >
> > Have fun guys at Dinner...wish I could be there, later:
> >
> > Rick Archie
> > 85PT40 "Fort R"
> > Fort Worth
> >
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Ernie Arrived in Aguanga at Rancho California - Tom McCarthy - 08-07-2009, 17:32
Ernie Arrived in Aguanga at Rancho California - Tom McCarthy - 08-07-2009 17:34
Ernie Arrived in Aguanga at Rancho California - Ernie Ekberg - 08-08-2009, 01:50

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