Generator hard start
My gauges are pretty unreliable. They are the last known position type and I tend not to trust them but I have verified them on occasion. It is a split feeling. Burned contacts on the run relay can be pretty intermittant. Loose connections are a plague also. This can be a tough one.
--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Chuck Wheeler wrote:
From: Chuck Wheeler
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Generator hard start
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:58 AM
Inour Kohler there is a TDR (Time delay relay) in the control box that gives the oil pressure time to come up but all generators I have been around have similar control. An easy check would be to ground the oil pressure switch that controls the shutdown. If it starts and runs you have a problem in the shutdown circuit. I am still willing to bet on fuel problems. You are getting air in the fuel system somewhere and after it is cranks enough you are finally getting the fuel system primed. If your generator has a priming pump operate it until you can feel back pressure and see if it starts immediately.
- Chuck Wheeler-
1982 FC 31SB Fort Worth TX
Thanks for your thoughts Gary,
If it was a relay, wouldn't that mean that it would probably be more inconsistent than it is? It has consistently started after the four to sixth turnover attempt.
Regarding oil pressure; I have oil pressure after it starts of course, but howwould I know if I have any during the start attempts?Shouldthe guage show pressureeven during the attempted startperiod? I've been starting it from outside, but maybe next time I will start it from inside and watch the guage.
Thanks again.
Rick Davis
'93 WLSA
in Houston
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:25:20 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Generator hard start
Sounds like oil pressure or indication to me. I have seen this one before. There are also some relays in the box that hang up plus if the alternator makes no 120/240 it will drop itself as it is all stupidly fail safed through each relay. It can be touchy to troubleshoot but I would go there. You can dummy out the oil sender. You have to know if it is a go high or goes low.
--- On Sat, 7/25/09, Rick Davis wrote:
From: Rick Davis
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Generator hard start
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 11:04 AM
Gary, I guess I shouldn't use the phrase "quits quickly", since it never really starts. Itjust sounds like it is trying so hard to start, but just won't stay going that extra second or two. I feel that holding down the starter button longer would help, but I am punchy to hold it down more than a second or two. I played with it again yesterday, andit will start on about the 6th try; two trys at a time before waiting a couple of minutes. I am hitting the glow plug each time I get back to it. It has the big modified air filter on it, and I have ordered a new one from Birtles. Maybe that will help.
Rick Davis
'93 WLSA
in hot Houston for now
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:42:11 AM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Generator hard start
What is (quits quickly?) If your oil pressure is low, it will drop the engine like a stone. Do you hold the starter in for a few extra seconds and it will start? Is this an oil pressure shut down due to fresh start up? If so, it is not broken. Your engine is clearanced and needs some revs to get the pressure up.
--- On Sun, 7/19/09, davisgr wrote:
From: davisgr
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Generator hard start
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 9:14 PM
I'm still having genny start problems when starting it after it has sat for days. I have some hot weather driving coming up with guests on board, and am getting punchy about the possibility of it getting worse. especially after it always kicking right off.
It seems to turn over fast enough, and it "starts" quick enough but quits quickly.
My sequence is this:
1)Hit glow plug for 20 seconds. Hit start button with no start. Hit start button and start but quit after a second or two.
2)Wait a oouple or three minutes and repeat, with it maybe running a second or two longer this time.
3)Finally on the third or fourth series it will finally lump lump along for a few seconds but stay on long enough for the fan to kick in and start purring like a kitten.
Once started it runs great. And it will start great again after it has been started, even after it has been turned off for up to an hour.
Oil pressure is good. It is about time for a oil and fuel filter change. You think I should just do that now, or anyone have any other ideas?
Rick Davis
'93 WLSA
in Houston