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Happy New Year!
01-01-2010, 06:18
Post: #1
Happy New Year!
Happy 2010 to everyone!

I hope every one was safe last night. I know the elder statesmen of our group
down here wore me out last night! Of course part of that was because my day
started at about 3am when I received a call from a police officer telling me the
business had been broken into and could I come down to inventory the place and
sign some paperwork? Since I was 300+ miles away, I deferred to our production
manager to go by. Luckily it turned out to be just some last minute year end
shoppers doing a quick smash and grab of the nearest PC. Apparently the camera
above the front door caught their attention *after* they smashed the glass and
entered. In a similar vein, I just read on USAToday that New Year's Day is the
highest incidence of auto thefts, so make sure and lock your vehicles. The year
end shoppers are everywhere! LOL!

Mike Bulriss
1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
South Padre Island TX - only a few days of year end vacation left :-(
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Happy New Year! - mbulriss - 01-01-2010 06:18

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