Lights for 84 PT 40
For your rear square lights, I gutted the socket out of mine and cannibalized a round red pack dual brightness LED package and installed it behind my original square lenses so it looked original. Man, are they bright. One caution, you may need blocking diodes and small 1uF filter capacitors to snub transients from the rest of the bus. these little voltage glitches trigger the lights and they act weirdly like signaling left, and having them both blink. I had to take the lens cover off the pack I used to make it short enough to fit under the original lens.
gary 85pt40
--- On Tue, 7/20/10, ken.hvac-conserve@... wrote:
From: ken.hvac-conserve@...
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Lights for 84 PT 40
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 5:41 PM
Where can I get the following items for an 84 PT 40
1. 3" lights mounted above the engine
A. Either sealed incandescent
B. Or LED that can take the temperature
2. Square LED replacements for the rear turn and stop lights
Engine cooling fan additions
3. Squirrel cage fan mounted above and to rear of engine
4. Electric fans to assist radiator fan or to mount on battery side louver
Ken Doyle, 301-908-5735