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Seguin Diesel
11-08-2010, 15:53
Post: #1
Seguin Diesel
In Albuquerque I asked Rich Archie to recommend places in Texas for our overdue
annual engine/chassis/generator service. He asked "Are you going to be anywhere
near San Antonio?"

Having seen them referenced before I said "You are going to say Seguin, right?"
to which the answer was affirmative. Then he added "He (Clyde) is here, he just
likes to be somewhat incognito at rallies because otherwise everyone wants
something fixed!"

So I met Clyde. I'm used to asking "What oil do you use" and like to hear "Delo
100 40wgt," but Clyde beat me to it and asked me what oil I used, so I gave the
Delo answer and he said "That's what we use too." He said to give him a call
when he got home, which I did, and today we got our service. Only bad news was
that we had a badly leaking tag axle hub seal, but that just added some time to
our stay.

During the day I told Clyde that he got a lot of recommendations, but I didn't
recall seeing any mention of the fact that he is a Bird owner (91 PT40), and I
wanted to know if it was OK to mention it and he said sure.

He likes doing the coach work, and there's more and more of it coming his way,
but he still has to service his regular truck customers, so he said it should be
emphasized "Only one coach at a time, so that means appointments for sure!"

So, if you get to South Texas and need service or engine/chassis work, Seguin is
not only a place where the owner knows the coaches, he also knows it from the
perspective of a driver/owner. Particularly the 8V92.

555 I10 East, Seguin 78155 (830) 303-9942

Don Bradner
90 PT40 "Blue Thunder"
My location:
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Messages In This Thread
Seguin Diesel - Don Bradner - 11-08-2010 15:53
Seguin Diesel - Don Bradner - 11-08-2010, 16:12

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