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1988 BB Detroit Deisel 8V92 Wont Start
05-23-2018, 20:30
Post: #11
RE: 1988 BB Detroit Deisel 8V92 Wont Start
Okay, the adventure from the Bears Den continues and for all my "do it your selfer's" let me say that finding an mature mechanic was the best money I have spent and the one thing I can suggest.

So this all startered a little over a month ago with my 1988 starting in the storage lot just fine and then becoming very difficult to start in front of my home an hour later. Then not starting at all 4 days later resulting in a very expensive Tow back home.

After reading many post on three different blogs, I performed a thorough exploration of the entire fuel system.
So today I found out that the Bears Den has been trying to talk to me. Service Code 42 and Service Code 43. Synchronus Reference Sensor and Low Coolant Sensor. Now the coolant sensor code(43) is likely a bad sensor connection or corrosion because there is plenty of coolant in the system and the Bears Den has never overheated. But the SRS sensor (42) apparently works in cahoots with the TRS sensor and tells the engine control module that it is time to fire. Oh yeah!!! I forgot to mention that I am the proud owner of the first year that GM and Detroit Diesel partnered up and introduced DDEC I to the Detroit Diesel 92 series.

So here is the run down.
1. Turn the ignition to start position and wait for the Service Codes to Blink out at the engine light. This is a series of flashes and the codes are two digits each so have a pen and paper ready to take notes because if there are multiple codes it will signal each of them.
2. Chase down a copy of the code list and/or find a copy of the DDEC I (version one)trouble shooting guide. Thank you Wanderlodge Gurus for these documents.
3. In my case the trouble was the SRS code so I had to figure out which "leads" to explore with an Ohm meter to determine if it was sensor or wires to sensor. Was hoping it might be wires to sensor because prior to my Troubles I had replaced all the copper pipe in the Bear's Den with PEX and I considered the possibility that I could can broke a wire in the process. Hey, $5.00 and a few hours replacing a broken wire was better than the new sensors.

Now Most Any Service Manual is going to say disconnect Battery before proceeding. Sound advice.

4. Drain coolant system down 10-15 gallons so that you can remove the upper coolant plumbing with minimum mess.
5. Remove coolant plumbing.
6. Disconnect fuel lines going to DDEC fuel module mounted above engine. There are two lines. If you leave the one connect to backside of module you can use other end to close front port. Minimize risk of contaminants.
7. Disconnect two wire pigtails on right side of module. There is a 1/4 inch bolt in center of both. Be gentle this may be the first time they have ever been taken off so there may be resistance. Don't break it or your trouble will be many.
8. Remove four bolts securing DDEC module to bracket. You will be very happy you removed coolant plumbing.
9. There are two connectors hiding down here among a couple of fuel lines and wire bundles. These connectors are the first part of your prize. Carefully remove the connectors again being mindful that this is probably the first time the have been separated from their mate.
10. Now that the Sensor connector is exposed recheck the resistance of the sensor. If it checks good then the issue is wiring not sensor. To troubleshoot wiring all you need to do is "jumper" the line and then go back into the bedroom closet and check line resistance.

In my case it is indeed a faulty sensor. So I am off to the INTERWEB to find a sensor.

Updates to follow!!

JC Mitchell
1988 WB PT40
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RE: 1988 BB Detroit Deisel 8V92 Wont Start - Crabber82 - 05-23-2018 20:30

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