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recap: 4th PNW Bird retreat
10-20-2005, 10:54
Post: #1
recap: 4th PNW Bird retreat
Hi, gang--

Well, it's been a few weeks, but in the spirit of "better late than never,"
Jo-Ski here offers this recap of the 4th PNW Bird retreat that was held in
Hoodsport, WA, Sept.30-Oct.3, 2005, along the beautiful Hoodsport Canal. Some
a.. A gathering of terrific people and Birds! This time around, not only most
of the WA state "regulars" were slated to attend, but also folks traveling from
as far away as southern California, Oregon, Wisconsin, and BC, Canada. In the
end, 11 out of 14 Birds who signed up were able to actually make it (lamentably,
3 Birds had to cancel--only because of last-minute technical problems or parts
not arriving on time--and, you folks not able to attend, please know that we
missed you!). It was great to see old Blue Bird friends from the first 3 PNW
retreats (a tradition started just this year by the hosts of the first retreat,
Dave and Judy B.), as well as to meet many new Blue Bird friends this time
around! We were pleased that a number of people who found out about the retreat
only some days in advance were able to attend--the Rest-A-While RV Resort was
great at accommodating all our needs, including last-minute reservations.
Anyhow, in attendance were: Bob G. and Sandi E. ('84 FC31, WLII, WA), Steve and
Cathy A. ('79 FC 35 SB, Poulsbo WA), Jon and Kathy L. ('78 Wanderlodge,
Bremerton WA), Stew S. and Jo-Ski ('83 FC 35 RB, Blaine, WA), Allen & Marie P.
('88 PT40, Mission BC), Dick and Julie B. ('92 WLWB PT 40', Wisconsin), Eric P.
and son Lon ('96 Wanderlodge, full-time RVers), Rose Mary S. and 84-years-young
mom Clara ('82 FC 33, Roseburg, Oregon), Bob and Arlene L. (84 PT36, Tacoma,
WA), Dave and Judy B. (1983 FC35SB BirdCage, Federal Way, WA), and Bob and
Terri W. ('76 FC 31, Vancouver, WA). We were sorry that last-minute problems did
not give us the pleasure of meeting Byron B. and Susan B. ('83 FC 35', Ocean
Shores, WA), Tom M. ('95 PT 42, Poway, CA), and Tim and Ginny W. ('83 PT 35,
Pennsylvania/Gulf Islands, B.C.), but we sure hope to see you folks at the next

b.. Our first lady coach drivers! Let's face it: even to many guys, a Blue
Bird at first seems like a daunting, formidable handful of coach to handle on
the road. At past PNW retreats, we wives/significant others have confessed that,
much as we'd like to help out with the driving, we have not yet been actively
involved with actually driving our coaches (other than maybe practices in
parking lots, etc.), opting instead to go it in the passenger's seat (and
admitting to occasionally white-knuckling it along those back-roads, when the
passenger-side wheels seem perilously close to those narrow shoulders with the
bus-eating ditches!). Btw, I have also noted this same kind of shyness about the
driving-end-of-it on the part of many gals among other, non-Blue Bird RVing
friends. Well, that all changed this time around--to paraphrase that 60's song,
then "Along Comes [Rose] Mary"! Anyway, from the time she confidently rolled
into the campground, there was no question that Rose Mary was in full command of
her rig and also has an admirable grasp of so many of the technical details
about these coaches. Later, I learned that Marie P. also routinely commandeers
their 40-foot rig. To both ladies, hats off to you for being inspirations
to/role-models for the rest of us lady-Birders and for earning the respect of
the guys, too!

c.. Friday evening pow-wow. By Friday evening, almost everyone had arrived at
the campground. With other "extra-curricular" events like the area's
"OysterFest" going on the same weekend, we decided to pow-wow in our clubhouse
and plan an easy-going schedule of Bird activities. Was a nice chance to get the
gang all in one place for some get-acquainted chat. Bob G. also announced
possible plans for a PNW retreat at a lovely seaside campground in Tokeland, WA
in spring, 2006. More on that from Bob as he compiles the details.

d.. Saturday morning coach tour. The coach tour was nothing but spectacular,
covering the whole span of Blue Bird design from the years 1976-1996! Each time
I go on one of these tours, I never cease to be amazed at the extraordinary
variety in color, floor plans, and decor that characterize these coaches! Blue
Bird certainly has never taken a cookie-cutter approach to producing these rigs!

e.. "On-site consultation" and repairs. Aside from just enjoying each other's
company, what else is a Blue Bird gathering about than great enthusiasm about
the coaches and also Blue Birders helping other Blue Birders? The weekend
included a lot of good Bird-talk and info-swapping. Then it was discovered that
on the drive up, Rose Mary's coach had lost functionality on the
windshield-wiper for the driver's side (and, it was already a pretty rainy
weekend). I think at one point after she arrived, Rose Mary noticed smoke coming
out of the dashboard, which prompted Stew, Bob G., and Alan to immediately form
a mini-posse to take care of the problem. They were able to replace the
driver's-side wiper with the still-functioning passenger-side wiper. Rose Mary
later reported that she and her mom made it home safely with the replacement
wiper workin' just fine! Well done, guys!

f.. Saturday afternoon oyster barbecue. For groups of 10 or more rigs, the
campground kindly hosts a complimentary oyster barbecue, with oysters from its
privately-held and -managed oysterbeds (the beds are just several yards in front
of where you camp along the canal). So, on Saturday afternoon, the campground
owner and his wife personally grilled up no less than 10 dozen oysters for the
gang! Arlene L. also offered up her killer-oyster sauce to accompany the
delicacies. Though yours truly is not an oyster-eater, I'm told it was darned
good-eatin' all around! Bon appetit!

g.. Saturday evening pot-luck and 'round-the-campfire get-together. Probably
like a lot of other regional Blue Bird gatherings, it's become a tradition for
the PNW Birders to hold a Saturday evening potluck. This one proved to be a
tasty, delightful smorgasborg of dinner delights and desserts! We re-arranged
the clubhouse so that all 21 of us were seated at one big, family-style table,
and it was just lots of laughter and good cheer from there! The commemorative
sovenir/remembrance for the retreat was given out--a little stuffed Blue Bird
mascot for each coach with the authentic Blue Bird tag. Also, thanks to Randy
Dupree for sending along brochures and sample jars of his holding tank cleaning
product for everyone as an extra give-away (note: by the time Stew and I left
for the retreat, only a smaller box with the brochures and 2 jars of product had
arrived, so not knowing about the rest of the jars, we made some extra fun by
raffling off the 2 jars at the pot-luck; of course, when we got home, there was
a big box on our doorstep with the rest of the jars, which we'll distribute at
the next get-together). After dinner, most of the gang hung out under the stars
and a few raindrops around a nice big campfire marshalled by Bob G. Again, a lot
of good Bird-talk, storytelling, laughter. Someone mentioned campfire songs, so
yours truly offered up a version of the infamously silly "The Rooster Song."

h.. Sunday activities. Pretty quiet day. We saluted the departing 7 Birds as
they nobly rolled out to head for home--a little more than half of the group
left on Sunday. Some of us who remained wandered over to the OysterFest for
awhile, but actually found it was more fun to be back at Bird camp. Later in the
afternoon, a group of 5 die-hard oyster-lovers managed to polish off another 6
dozen barbecued oysters from the campground's pristeen oysterbeds, along with
more generous dollups of Arlene L.'s killer-oyster sauce! Still later,
newcomers Bob and Terri W., who have got a lot of terrific, creative ideas and
entrepreneurial experience, shared some of their latest educational product
ideas with the group, and we had a kind of impromptu, mini-focus
group/brainstorm session for promoting these ideas. Was fun, and we wish Bob and
Terri well and much success!

i.. Monday farewells. The last 4 Birds pulled out of the campground and headed
in all directions of the compass. . .always a wistful moment to see another
retreat come to a close!
And, that was it. From what I understand, everyone enjoyed themselves, and the
newcomer folks said they'd want to attend another such retreat, so that was good
to hear, too! All in all, a fine gathering of wonderful, diverse folks and
fine-feathered Birds! Again, was really great to see old Blue Bird friends and
make quite a few new ones! All the PNW Birders look forward to welcoming ever
more Blue Birders at future retreats in our lovely area of the country!

Will post a few photos of the Bird line-up shortly.

Best regards,

Jo-Ski and Stew
"The Bird Abides"
'83-FC 35 RB
Blaine, WA

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Messages In This Thread
recap: 4th PNW Bird retreat - Jo-Ski - 10-20-2005 10:54
recap: 4th PNW Bird retreat - mbulriss - 10-20-2005, 14:21

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