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M380 Problems
10-29-2005, 03:23
Post: #5
M380 Problems
I also love the M380. We almost bought one, but went with a
2002 LXi instead. We picked her up one year ago and have
driven her for 20,000 miles. The bus never fails, the slide is
great, the ride is good. I did have a little problem with the ride
initially but traced it to too low of a ride height. The detroit
diesel and allison combo are world class. The bus gets 7mpg
in top gear, 6.5mpg average. Build quality, fit and finish, and
reliability are great. I'm a fuss budget, so everything has to
be perfect, and it is. I had a slide seal rupture and had HWH
replace it. They traced the problem to over inflation. Everything
else has been superb, but I do long for the fuel mileage and
the maneuverability of an M380.

David Brady
'02 LXi, Smokey, Va

>We'd be
>interested in hearing about anyone's experience with 2000-2002 LXi's.
>Dick & Sandy Friedkin, Winston, Annie, China & Junior
>2004 M380, 2003 PT Cruiser
>West Palm Beach, FL

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Messages In This Thread
M380 Problems - gepatch - 06-26-2005, 07:38
M380 Problems - rfauconn - 06-27-2005, 00:34
M380 Problems - johnhaney17 - 10-28-2005, 14:11
M380 Problems - richardfriedkin - 10-29-2005, 02:03
M380 Problems - David Brady - 10-29-2005 03:23

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