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Cross Posting
12-29-2005, 10:48
Post: #3
Cross Posting
Many of us who participate in both/all forums are used to cross-
posting, I can't see any reason to discontinue it. Usually if I see
the same thing on more than one forum I will read it only once, or
reply only once. If it is particularly interesting or valuable one
might cross-post the reply also.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In, "Brian Gatley"
> As new people join the WL world (like myself), we are not familiar
> the specific issues that have occurred between different WL yahoo
> (I am aware of the split). Neither are the specifics of much
> However, what is of concern is that I/we respect what has happened
> the past and not intentionally (or unintentionally) pour salt in the
> wounds of others who have been around much longer.
> So far, I have found valuable information on both groups and I have
> preference with one or the other. When I post questions, I want to
> reach the broadest user base that I can and so I have been cross
> to both groups.
> Am I ruffling anyone's feathers by doing this? You can respond to
> off-line if you want.
> If I (and other new users) need to seek one group or the other for
> certain types of questions, then I/we will have to spend more time
> developing knowledge and relationships with each of the groups.
> For future consideration, I don't think the memberships of either
> will remain stagnant. New people will come and will have no idea
> group to post questions and will most likely join and monitor both
> groups.
> I searched the groups for any information on cross posts, but didn't
> find anything, nor could I find anything in the files section.
> Instead of developing a habit that might be annoying to people, I
> thought I would just be bold and ask the question.
> At minimum, I would think the moderators of each of the groups would
> respond allowing some sort of record that new users can use to
> understand the proper etiquette.
> Brian Gatley
> 1993 PT40 WLWB
> Bend, OR
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Messages In This Thread
Cross Posting - Brian Gatley - 12-29-2005, 03:56
Cross Posting - ronmarabito2002 - 12-29-2005, 04:18
Cross Posting - Jeff Miller - 12-29-2005 10:48
Cross Posting - KP Marsh - 12-29-2005, 16:23
Cross Posting - Jo-Ski - 12-29-2005, 16:27

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