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01-25-2006, 12:58
Post: #3
Here are 2 write up's from my "Interior Tips" file that I saved from
the forum:

Steve Harrie
'86 PT38

The Micro lives in a box, the top and left side of which are cabinet
plywood and the bottom and right side are made of stainless steel.
Then the bottom has a thin layer of insulation which is overtopped by
another layer of stainless: a single sheet that wraps around the
bottom and right side. (BTW, my galley is on the pilot's side). I
had to remove the trim, then remove the screws in the back panel above
the stove (under the micro) and the ones in the side panel above the
toaster (the right side of the micro and well to its rear). The outer
stainless panel is a jam fit between the inner stainless panel and, on
the bottom, the stove's back panel, and on the right, the sides of the
oversink cabinets. It is a bear to get out and even worse to get back
in. Be sure you take out every screw that even looks like it could
reach. I even removed the eyeball light over the stove, though that
turned out to be unnecessary (although the hole turned out to be handy
for pulling down the panel to get the stainless started back in there
upon reassembly). All this removal of trim, stainless steel panel,
and insulation is solely for the purpose of exposing the heads of two
screws that are run through the inner stainless into the bottom of the
micro to keep it from drifting around the coach. I made new holes in
the bottom of the micro so as to use the existing holes in the
stainless (to secure the new one). I now wish that I had drilled the
outer stainless to match the holes in the inner stainless so that I
wouldn't have to go through this again the next time the micro goes
belly up. BTW, while you're in there, after you get the micro out,
check out the wiring that runs behind it. I found a multi-
conductor, wrapped cable that was resting on a ridiculously long
quarter inch bolt, just waiting to wear through the insulation and
short out. I bent the bolt back against the wall so the cable was
resting on wood. 86PT40

In my 1993, there is a small compartment over the oven. There are 2
long screws up there supposedly holding the oven. There is a little
boxed in area, on the right hand side of this compartment and one of
the holding screws is supposedly in that box, along with the
electrical receptacle. Under the oven, at the very back and in front
of the mirrors, there is a bar and it has two screws. One is supposed
to loosen them and the oven will lift off of that bar. We'll see. This
oven is heavy.
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remove/microwave/convection - mjzakowski - 01-23-2006, 16:11
remove/microwave/convection - pt40wl1 - 01-23-2006, 16:42
remove/microwave/convection - trvlngnrs - 01-25-2006 12:58

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