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Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
09-04-2009, 03:11
Post: #11
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@...> wrote:
From: brad barton <bbartonwx@...>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson wrote:

From: Pete Masterson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545
Email: Powertech@powertech

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales - Sales@PowerTech-

Parts Sales - jimmys@atlantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones- JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper - Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott - Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe - Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG!
engine model code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off
sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota
Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech !
Dealer i
n Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 03:21
Post: #12
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

A very good gen set service for your Houston area is:

Power Field Service

I-45 Exit 646 W



Many Birder's have had good results with those folks. I have ordered
parts as well and am satisfied.

Safe travels,

Ralph & Charolette Fullenwider

'84 FC 35 "Ruff Diamond"

Duncan, Oklahoma

At 08:11 AM 9/4/2009 -0700, you wrote:

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here
yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed
first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole
Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot
weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some
kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am
sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@...>

Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?


Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They
handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the
northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?


I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and
got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than
700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out.
They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the
problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'

(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 03:27
Post: #13
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I had similar problems earlier this summer.

Right now the coach can't be moved because we had to send the HWH controller box back to the factory, but...

I experienced voltage irregularities while running all 3 roof airs in 100-degree heat earlier this summer. I also had terrific black smoke and soot coming out of the exhaust. Eventually, the generator safeties kicked in an shut down the generator as I was parking at home.

Ralph noticed the air breather pipe had gotten hot and been sucked into an oval shape. It was in the early process of collapsing.

He was not able to figure out why the safeties couldn't be reset but suspected the quadrature windings (?) and/or voltage regulator (placed in a position nearly impossible to reach) might be faulty. When we can move the coach, we'll take it Parker Power. They worked on my 84FC years ago.

And FYI for anybody, when the jacks and generator are operational again, the coach will beperfect, road-ready and available to any forum-folk for $190K.

(I'm getting calls at $195K so I must be getting close to the right price.)

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@...

From: cockyfox@...
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 08:11:38 -0700
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<WBR>com> wrote:

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<WBR>com>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson wrote:

From: Pete Masterson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545
Email: Powertech@powertech

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales - Sales@PowerTech-
Parts Sales - jimmys@atlantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones- JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper - Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott - Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe - Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG! engine model code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech ! Dealer i n Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here.
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 04:01
Post: #14
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
My air breather also almost collapsed. I am thinking that the water pump is probably needing replacement and possibly the Thermostat valve. Also I do have a voltage disparity between the two legs though they appear to be balanced correctly when you look at the wiring. The control box you mentioned might be the culprit. Being an electronic tech thats one of the things I intend to check out before I let someone work on it. Don't want to incur any of those high labor charges if I don't have to.

Thanks for your input and good luck on your RV sale. Hope you get what you need.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@...> wrote:
From: brad barton <bbartonwx@...>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:27 AM


I had similar problems earlier this summer.

Right now the coach can't be moved because we had to send the HWH controller box back to the factory, but...

I experienced voltage irregularities while running all 3 roof airs in 100-degree heat earlier this summer. I also had terrific black smoke and soot coming out of the exhaust. Eventually, the generator safeties kicked in an shut down the generator as I was parking at home.

Ralph noticed the air breather pipe had gotten hot and been sucked into an oval shape. It was in the early process of collapsing.

He was not able to figure out why the safeties couldn't be reset but suspected the quadrature windings (?) and/or voltage regulator (placed in a position nearly impossible to reach) might be faulty. When we can move the coach, we'll take it Parker Power. They worked on my 84FC years ago.

And FYI for anybody, when the jacks and generator are operational again, the coach will beperfect, road-ready and available to any forum-folk for $190K.

(I'm getting calls at $195K so I must be getting close to the right price.)

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 08:11:38 -0700
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail. com> wrote:

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail. com>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: wanderlodgeforum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson wrote:

From: Pete Masterson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545
Email: Powertech@powertech

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales - Sales@PowerTech-

Parts Sales - jimmys@atlantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones- JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper - Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott - Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe - Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG! e!
ngine mo
del code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off
sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota
Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech ! !
Dealer i
n Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here.
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 04:03
Post: #15
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks for that input. Its a lot closer than Dallas to me. I appreciate all of your inputs. I am in no hurry right now to take it in. I want to satisfy myself first what needs to be done. Nothing worse than going into a situation blind. I have some other issues I need to take care of first anyway.

Thanks again. I have made a not of that repair shop.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Ralph Fullenwider wrote:
From: Ralph Fullenwider
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:21 AM


A very good gen set service for your Houston area is:

Power Field Service

I-45 Exit 646 W



Many Birder's have had good results with those folks. I have ordered
parts as well and am satisfied.

Safe travels,

Ralph & Charolette Fullenwider

'84 FC 35 "Ruff Diamond"

Duncan, Oklahoma

At 08:11 AM 9/4/2009 -0700, you wrote:

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here
yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed
first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole
Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot
weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some
kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am
sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'

(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton
<bbartonwx@hotmail. com>

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail. com>

Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

To: wanderlodgeforum@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They
handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the
northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?


I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and
got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than
700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out.
They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the
problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'

(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 04:26
Post: #16
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Might also be the crap shoot of who you spoke with ... I called Power Tech on a minor issue shortly after getting my coach (roughly 12 years old at the time) and was treated fairly well and given the information I needed...
Since many of their generators (on the size and type on our coaches) are used by fire departments and other emergency service organizations -- and since fire trucks often are used for 20 years or longer -- it's hard to imagine that they'd have a 'kiss off' policy for older units. But, perhaps that's the case. You never know. Obviously, in this current economy, it's entirely possible that layoffs and retirements have caused rather more stress on the remaining parts and service staff than a few years ago...
The service centers that Power Tech recommends appear to be independent businesses that are approved or franchised by Power Tech -- hopefully, one of them might prove more service-minded. After all, they have more possibility of getting revenue from providing service while the factory would be concentrating on sales.
Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
El Sobrante CA

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Ron Thompson wrote:

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'

--- OnThu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson<"">wrote:
From: Pete Masterson <"">
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales -Sales@PowerTech-
Parts Sales -jimmys@atlantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones-JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper -Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott -Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe -Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG engine model code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech Dealer in Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 04:28
Post: #17
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Black soot is a sign that air is insufficient. On my coach, it's usually the air cleaner is clogged...
Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
El Sobrante CA

On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:27 AM, brad barton wrote:


I had similar problems earlier this summer.
Right now the coach can't be moved because we had to send the HWH controller box back to the factory, but...

I experienced voltage irregularities while running all 3 roof airs in 100-degree heat earlier this summer. I also had terrific black smoke and soot coming out of the exhaust. Eventually, the generator safeties kicked in an shut down the generator as I was parking at home.

Ralph noticed the air breather pipe had gotten hot and been sucked into an oval shape. It was in the early process of collapsing.
He was not able to figure out why the safeties couldn't be reset but suspected the quadrature windings (?) and/or voltage regulator (placed in a position nearly impossible to reach) might be faulty. When we can move the coach, we'll take it Parker Power. They worked on my 84FC years ago.

And FYI for anybody, when the jacks and generator are operational again, the coach will beperfect, road-ready and available to any forum-folk for $190K.
(I'm getting calls at $195K so I must be getting close to the right price.)

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW""

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 08:11:38 -0700
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'

--- OnFri, 9/4/09, brad barton<bbartonwx@hotmail.<wbr>com>wrote:
From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<wbr>com>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- OnThu, 9/3/09, Pete Mastersonwrote:
From: Pete Masterson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales -Sales@PowerTech-
Parts Sales -jimmys@atlantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones-JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper -Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott -Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe -Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG! engine model code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech ! Dealer i n Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.Find out more.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.Click here.

Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 04:36
Post: #18
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Copper, eh? Us poor folks will just go back to pvc and be ready to do it again in a few years.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@...

From: dmb993@...
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 12:12:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I had a melted intake runner too. Powertech made it out of PVC tubing.
I made a new one out 2" diameter copper pipe and elbows. Works good.

David Brady
'02 LXi, NC

brad barton wrote:


I had similar problems earlier this summer.
Right now the coach can't be moved because we had to send the HWH controller box back to the factory, but...

I experienced voltage irregularities while running all 3 roof airs in 100-degree heat earlier this summer. I also had terrific black smoke and soot coming out of the exhaust. Eventually, the generator safeties kicked in an shut down the generator as I was parking at home.

Ralph noticed the air breather pipe had gotten hot and been sucked into an oval shape. It was in the early process of collapsing.
He was not able to figure out why the safeties couldn't be reset but suspected the quadrature windings (?) and/or voltage regulator (placed in a position nearly impossible to reach) might be faulty. When we can move the coach, we'll take it Parker Power. They worked on my 84FC years ago.

And FYI for anybody, when the jacks and generator are operational again, the coach will beperfect, road-ready and available to any forum-folk for $190K.
(I'm getting calls at $195K so I must be getting close to the right price.)

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 08:11:38 -0700
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<WBR>com> wrote:

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<WBR>com>
Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats. They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson "" wrote:

From: Pete Masterson ""
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some components on engines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545
Email: Powertech@powertech

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales - Sales@PowerTech-
Parts Sales - jimmys@alantic. net
Service Manager - Jeff Jones- JeffJ@atlantic. net
Purchasing - Rick Harper - Rick@PowerTech-
Accounting - Page Scott - Page@PowerTech-
Chris O'Keefe - Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
<http://www.aeonix. biz/BBforsale. html>
El Sobrante CA
aeonix1@mac. com

On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG! engine odel code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
gt; smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech ! Deale i n Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.560 / Virus Database: 270.12.26/2116 - Release Date: 5/15/2009 6:16 AM

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 05:12
Post: #19
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

I had a melted intake runner too. Powertech made it out of PVC tubing.

I made a new one out 2" diameter copper pipe and elbows. Works good.

David Brady

'02 LXi, NC

brad barton wrote:


I had similar problems earlier this summer.

Right now the coach can't be moved because we had to send the HWH
controller box back to the factory, but...

I experienced voltage irregularities while running all 3 roof airs in
100-degree heat earlier this summer. I also had terrific black smoke
and soot coming out of the exhaust. Eventually, the generator safeties
kicked in an shut down the generator as I was parking at home.

Ralph noticed the air breather pipe had gotten hot and been sucked into
an oval shape. It was in the early process of collapsing.

He was not able to figure out why the safeties couldn't be reset but
suspected the quadrature windings (?) and/or voltage regulator (placed
in a position nearly impossible to reach) might be faulty. When we can
move the coach, we'll take it Parker Power. They worked on my 84FC
years ago.

And FYI for anybody, when the jacks and generator are operational
again, the coach will beperfect, road-ready and available to any
forum-folk for $190K.

(I'm getting calls at $195K so I must be getting close to the right

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW



Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 08:11:38 -0700

Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

Thanks Brad,

I live just outside Houston and haven't checked the local markets here
yet. Got some sheet metal damage on my RV that I have to get fixed
first before attacking my generator problem. It cleared up for my whole
Alaska trip which took over 2 months but as soon as I got back in hot
weather about Oklahoma, it started going dead on me again. Some kind
of heat related problem maybe vapor lock. anyway I am sure a good
generator man could hop right on it.

Thanks again.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<wbr>com>

From: brad barton <bbartonwx@hotmail.<wbr>com>

Subject: RE: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?


Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:04 AM

There's a good place up here in Dallas known as Parker
Power. They handle all kinds of generators for RV's and boats.
They're in the northwest corner of town.

Brad Barton 00LXiDFW bbartonwx@hotmail. com

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups.

From: cockyfox@sbcglobal. net

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 07:57:00 -0700

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?


I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem
and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less
than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out.
They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the
problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'

(cockyfox@sbcglobal .net)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson ""

From: Pete Masterson ""

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil
Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get
some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed

Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines

you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to

explain that some components on engines that have been installed by

PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts

as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:

Power Technology Southeast, Inc.

634 State Road 44

Leesburg, Florida 34748

Phone: (352) 365-2777

Fax: (352) 787-5545

Email: Powertech@powertech

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales - Sales@PowerTech-

Parts Sales - jimmys@alantic.

Service Manager - Jeff Jones- JeffJ@atlantic.

Purchasing - Rick Harper - Rick@PowerTech-

Accounting - Page Scott - Page@PowerTech-

Chris O'Keefe - Chris@PowerTech-

Pete Masterson

'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)

biz/BBforsale. html>

El Sobrante CA


On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,


> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I

> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG! engine odel code.

> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told

> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part

> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a

> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he

> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.

> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could

> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -

> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902 engine', but I

> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he

> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was

> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in

> that universe.


> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure,

> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs

gt; smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the

> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing

> fitting with both the sending unit and a manual gauge on it for

> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending

> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a

> parts specialist" somewhere.


> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?


> Thanks,


> Mike Bulriss

> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"

> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence




> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com,

> wrote:


>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902

>> VB1902 engine.


>> Also, there is a Powertech ! Deale i n Houston and Dallas.


>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40


>> --- In WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss"

>> wrote:


>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota

>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.


>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what

>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine

>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that knew how to look in

>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.560 / Virus Database: 270.12.26/2116 - Release Date: 5/15/2009 6:16 AM
Quote this message in a reply
09-04-2009, 08:17
Post: #20
Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?

You are right about the factory being more interested in new sales. Having been in the service management business for about 35 years, first with the Dept of the Army, military, then Dept. of the Army Civil Service, then Western Union, then Texas Instruments, I learned a lot about how to treat a customer and the guy I contacted at Power Tech could have used a little of that training also. My feeling is, (albeit a wrong feeling) that he thought I was a cheapskate trying to get free help. I was simply lookng for help since I was out on the road in the wilderness of Yukon Territory and northern Alaska.

Anyway, learned my lesson about calling them for help.

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.

1995 WLWB 42'


--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Pete Masterson wrote:
From: Pete Masterson
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 11:26 AM


Might also be the crap shoot of who you spoke with ... I called Power Tech on a minor issue shortly after getting my coach (roughly 12 years old at the time) and was treated fairly well and given the information I needed...
Since many of their generators (on the size and type on our coaches) are used by fire departments and other emergency service organizations -- and since fire trucks often are used for 20 years or longer -- it's hard to imagine that they'd have a 'kiss off' policy for older units. But, perhaps that's the case. You never know. Obviously, in this current economy, it's entirely possible that layoffs and retirements have caused rather more stress on the remaining parts and service staff than a few years ago...
The service centers that Power Tech recommends appear to be independent businesses that are approved or franchised by Power Tech
-- hopefully, one of them might prove more service-minded. After all, they have more possibility of getting revenue from providing service while the factory would be concentrating on sales.
Pete Masterson
'95 Blue Bird Wanderlodge WBDA 42 (For Sale)
El Sobrante CA

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Ron Thompson wrote:

I contacted Power Tech about three months ago on my generator problem and got told that since it was 14 years old, (Even though it had less than 700 hours on it..) that I needed to find someone to check it out. They didn't even want to talk to me or recommend what they thought the problem might be.

Doesn't sound like good customer service does it?

Ron Thompson -Waller, Tx.
1995 WLWB 42'
(cockyfox@sbcglobal. net)

--- OnThu, 9/3/09, Pete Masterson<aeonix1@mac. com>wrote:
From: Pete Masterson <aeonix1@mac. com>
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Powertech Genset Kubota Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit Part Number?
To:WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 10:16 PM

FWIW, I was trying to get some info on oil filters, etc... and emailed
Kubota Tractor... I was told "we can't support non-Tractor engines
you must contact the [generator] manufacturer. " They went on to
explain that some componen!
ts on en
gines that have been installed by
PowerTech (and other non-Kubota vendors) _may_ have non-standard parts
as far as Kubota is concerned.

This is the contact information for Power Tech:
Power Technology Southeast, Inc.
634 State Road 44
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: (352) 365-2777
Fax: (352) 787-5545

Toll-Free 800-760-0027

For more information, please contact one of the persons listed below:

Generator Sales -Sales@PowerTech-
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On Sep 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mbulriss wrote:

> Ron,
> The local Kubota tractor parts guy said "What's that?" when I walked
> in with it in my hand and gave him the V1902-BG engine model code.
> He followed that with "I've never seen one of those" when I told him
> what it was. The final was when he asked if it was a tractor part
> and I told him it was on a Kubota diesel V1902 tractor engine on a
> genset and could he just cross reference it by engine code, he said
> "I would have no way of finding that if it's not a tractor part.
> But there's a Kubota industrial parts place in Houston you could
> call." I truly thought about saying 'OK, I'll play this game -
> it's on a 1991 Kubota diesel tractor with a V1902
engine', but I
> didn't know a tractor model code to make up (which I just knew he
> was going to have to have to do a look up!), so I decided it was
> just time to leave at that point. There was no intelligent life in
> that universe.
> I'm not going to worry about it since I do have oil pressure, since
> the shut off sensor is not shutting it down, and the engine runs
> smooth as silk. It really would be comforting however to have the
> dash gauge reflect the pressure. I have built a "t" plumbing
> fitting with both the sending unit
and a manual gauge on it for when
> the tray is open. I am just going to put the defective sending unit
> back on until I find the part number to hand feed to a "professional
> parts specialist" somewhere.
> You got a number on Powertech in Dallas?
> Thanks,
> Mike Bulriss
> 1991 WB40 "Texas Minivan"
> San Antonio, TX - seemingly devoid of parts supplier intelligence
> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "ronmarabito2002"
> wrote:
>> Call your local Kubota Tractor Dealer and tell him it is V1902 or
>> VB1902 engine.
>> Also, there is a Powertech Dealer in Houston and Dallas.
>> R.E. (Ron) Marabito, Dallas, TX 92WB40
>> --- InWanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com, "mbulriss" <mbulriss@>
>> wrote:
>>> Any one have a part number for a Powertech Genset Kubota Engine
>>> Oil Pressure Sending Unit.
>>> I am tired of talking to parts guys that need to know what year
>>> car it is for, when I have the part in my hand, the engine number,
>>> etc.! What happened to NAPA guys that
knew how to look in the
>>> parts cross reference manual and match the part?

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