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Low air buzzer stays on - Printable Version

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Low air buzzer stays on - ricmcintire - 09-07-2005 02:15

Thanks to everyone for the help. I will let everyone know when i
track the problem down what it was.
Rick Mcintire
86PT38 Patillo,Tx

- In WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com, John Suter
> Hi Rick,
> Our prior 86PT40 was wired so that the low air light
> and buzzer also "lit and buzzed" when a jack was not
> fully retracted (or when a jack switch was defective).
> Don't want to send you down the wrong trail but it
> might not be too hard to start the engine, examine the
> dash air gauge, drop a jack or two, and see if any
> additional buzzers and/or lights become lit.
> Also, if I recall correctly, the annoying buzzer
> control breaker was located in the #1 position (top
> left) of the inside front panel just ahead of the
> passenger seat where it can be pulled temporarily so
> as not to drive you nuts while you drive; the buzzer
> will stop and the dash light will remain on.
> John Suter
> --- ricmcintire wrote:
> > After I air up the the low air light and buzzer
> > stays on. I drove it
> > home(40 miles) and the buzzer and light never went
> > off. Any help would
> > be appreciated. We have a 86PT38.
> > Many Thanks,
> > Rick Mcintire
> > 86PT38 Patillo,Tx
> >
> >
> >
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